
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sun and Moon

Last night Jeff and I went to a Phil Wickham concert. He sang a song off of his new album (not yet out) and I absolutely loved a line from the song...

"If you are the sun, then I want to be the moon. I want to reflect the light that shines from you."

It struck me hard and I thought, "Am I like the moon? Do I reflect the light that shines from God?" The sad answer is ...no. This is something I need to work on. I want people to see me as someone different. I want them to know that I am different. And I want them to want to know why...

This is our job as a Christians; Our job is really to be "mini moons." We are supposed to reflect Christ, just as the moon reflects the sun.

Hearing that line from this song convicted me. I want to work double-time hard to remedy this flaw in my life. I want to be the moon for Christ.

I couldn't find a video from Phil Wickham of this song, as it's not yet released. But this guy does a absolute fantastic job singing and playing it. Hearing it again gives me chills.

Lord, please help me to become like the moon. I want to honor you and reflect you in my everyday life. I want people to see me as someone different. I want them to want to know why. I want to be able to bring you glory in everything I do.

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