
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Shopping, bird swim suits, date nights

Posting from my phone... So this will be short.

Today I went shopping with my mom and shaylah. We got shaylah a new swimsuit. She refused to buy the awesome bird swimsuit I kept begging her to get :-/

Bodey got his first breath mint today. He burped in his Mimi's face (puke breath) and she all about gagged. So we had to help him out. (it wasn't a spicy mint) he wasn't too sure of it...

Jeff, Bodey and I had a date night tonight. We went to yogolicious and ran a few errands. We got Bodey his own tiny tiny tinnnnny cup of unflavored tart yogurt. He thoroughly loved it. Kept signing please and sticking his hands in the cup when we weren't fast enough for him :)

Jeff and I rented "journey to the center of the earth 2" tonight. We're gonna hang out in our hot house, watch our movie and I'm hoping there is a back rub involved for me ;)

Sorry if the Picts are all messed up! There is only so much editing I can do from my phone!

We have a walker!

Learning how to walk is some tough stuff, or so Bodey says anyways. See all his battle wounds?? Brave little guy he is!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

bathtime fun, washing clean laundry, rearranging rooms,

What's up with all these weird faces he's making?!

That's more like it.

Goofy boy :)

Notice his black eye? Still going strong 3(?) days later! Poor little dude.

Today was a tiring day. Up too early--shock shock. ;-) And we haven't slowed down since then. I rearranged the game room today. We are selling our futon this week to make room for a crib and a changing table. I also need to figure out some toy storage soon. This room is crazy messy allll the time!

I've been washing laundry all day. It seems like everytime I get caught up, I start the cycle all over again. I'm constantly asking myself, "Why do we go through almost as much laundry as my parents?" Well today as I was sorting the laundry. I started noticing that half of Jeff's clothes which were in the "dirty" pile were the same clothes I folded yesterday. I started thinking... "hmmm, there is no way he wore ALL these clothes since Monday." Yet there they were, smelling like dog and covered in dog hair. So I waddled (yes, I'm waddling today) my way down the hall to look at the bedroom. And that's when I realized. Jeff doesn't put his clothes up. Yep, my 27 year old husband sets his clean and folded piles of laundry on the floor next to his dresser. Which in a nutshell, means I've been washing his clean clothes (dirtied by the dog who sleeps on them) over and over and over and over again. Needless to say, I am not happy.

We went to Babies R Us this afternoon and picked up my last few packs of receiving blankets I needed. Now I have boy blankets and girl blankets! After they finish drying I will be folding them and packing them away with all my baby diapers and other baby stuff. All I need now is a few baby beanies and we will pretty much be set for B2's arrival. (Well, not really. There are still things we need, i'm just reffering to the basic stuff...diapers, blankets and the like.)

Speaking of B2, both Jeff and I had dreams last night that we had a little girl. How weird is that? In my dream I dreamt she weight 7lbs 8oz. In Jeff's dream, he dreamt that "they had to take her out to do some checkup work on her. Then they put her back in to cook a little longer." Whaat???! Weirdo.

Bodey is in bed (hopefully for the night...so tired of being woken up a bajillion times a night!) I am going to go take a bath, finish washing diapers, start ANOTHER load of Jeff's clean/dirty clothes and then head to bed. I'm so tired, I might not even eat ice cream tonight. o-0

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dear Shelbie,

Let this be a gentle warning:


Much Love,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bodey's first black eye

Bodey got his first black eye today. :'-( Poor little dude got knocked in the face by the kiddy swing. It left a pretty shiner. Pictures don't do it justice.

I'm really irritated today. I checked my data allowance on my iphone this morning. It was at 255 (I get 300mb) A few hours later I get a notification saying I've used 100% of my allowance and I'm being billed an additional $20 for 300mb more. This irritates me for multiple reasons. 1st) I didn't get my 90% notice that they normally text me. 2nd) my data gets refilled on Friday! That's only in 3 days! And 3rd) data doesn't roll over! So now I have to use 300mb's of data up in 3 days or else, I'm just wasting $20. I kind of want to cry. :'-(

Today Bodey was in a great mood. I don't know whats going on with his poop system, but I kid you not, I've changed more poopy diapers this week than I've ever changed before. If I have to change one more today, I will cry! ICK!

Jeff switched the fish to the bedroom tank today, so I'm excited for bedtime. Bodey is going to love falling asleep watching them swim around!

I didn't acomplish much. I washed some diapers. And did the dishes. That's it. Then I came over to my whiny family's house. Gee, you miss one day and they think you hate them or something! *eye roll* Its nice to feel loved. :)

My goals for tonight are: Get Bodey to bed at 8. Mop my kitchen floor. Clean the game room and fold laundry. Jeff got our TV working yesterday (we only get one channel--no cable or anything) but the one channel we get is the channel with all the old TV shows on it! So I'll fold laundry and watch some Dick Van Dyke tonight. :)

And eat cookies. Yesss, that sounds fun! As fun as folding laundry can be anyways ;-)


She's. petting. a. lion.


Oh my goodness.

Monday, June 25, 2012

so tired... but had a productive day!

Soooo tired today. Seriously, this is ridiculous! I took a nap and a half and still had no gusto to get anything done. Still, I feel like I had a somewhat productive day.

I only had a few to-do's that I wanted acomplished today. One was switching the 45 gallon fish tank over to the 20 gallon tank, the other was doing some laundry and finally mopping the kitchen floor. I got the floor mopped, I did wash some laundry and we half way got the tank swapped. (meaning, the 20 gallon is set up and ready, we just haven't moved the fish or the 45 gallon tank outside yet. We had to run the filter on the 20 gallon tank for a few hours to clear the water first.)

Both Jeff and I were feeling really sad getting rid of our 45 gallon tank. We remenised all afternoon. We got our 45g tank just a few months after we first got married. We were soooo excited to start "tanking" and we would spend hours (literally hours) just sitting in front of the tank in the livingroom, watching the fish swim while hanging out and talking. Our date nights consisted of going to the fish store to buy new fish and all our extra money went towards buying plants off of ebay. The tanking craze wore off a little bit when we had to relocate the tank to the gameroom to make room for my piano, but still, we'd find ourselves sitting on the futon in the gameroom late at night watchign the fish swim. For the first 4 months of Bodey's life (when he was colicy) we would sit in the game room everynight for hours, letting Bodey sit in his washpod and we'd stare exhaustedly at the tank.

Ahhh, such sweet memories. ♥

But life has changed now. Instead of having an empty game room to keep a giant tank in, its time to turn our game room into a kids room. That coupled with the fact that Bodey can now pull himself up on the tank, push on it/pull on it and loves to climb on the shelf under it (rocking...tipping...creaking noises = UNSAFE!) it was time to get rid of the big tank. (Sniff sniff) We moved the 20 gallon to our bedroom for now, since we have no dresser in the game room. But I'm currently looking for one, and can't wait to find one, so I can move the tank back into the gameroom (aka soon to be the kiddos room).  But for the meantime, both Jeff and I are excited to have a tank in our room. It'll be peaceful to fall asleep watching the fishies swim. And I think Bodey likes the idea too. ;-) He kept crawling into the bedroom today to sit and stare at it, and earlier during naptime, he kept trying to crawl to the end of the bed, where he would lay on his belly and look up at the tank. So cute!

After the whole fishtank ordeal and a good bleach bath--nothing is more disgusting than touching nasty fish poo water! I laid down with Bodey and took another nap. Kind of...this was my "half nap." It was more of a rest I guess.

Then I got up and did some laundry. Tomorrow I will be folding. All. day. long. Ugh.

I also got my livingroom mopped! This is a huge deal for me! Woot woot. :)

Bodey was grumpy today. I'm not sure what his problem was, but oiy. Cranky little dude.

We stayed home tonight, instead of going to my parents. Which means, I'm starving right now. But it also means that Bodey had a nice early bedtime, and it looks like I will be too. I'm finishing up making some chocolate chip cookies. And I'm going to try (again) to find me something to eat. Then I'm going to bed! I'm so tired!

Hoping that tomorrow I have more energy! There's still so much left on my to-do list!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Church, napping, ice cream and plums

Today was Church. I was so tired Jeff had to practically pull my hair from my scalp to get me up. I was awake late last night (thanks to my mom's yummy coffee she made me at 8pm...) And then was awake all night due to my obnoxious leg cramps. Oiy. Today my legs ache like crazy. They feel bruised to even touch. And oddly, my hands and wrists hurt too! I think I clench them up in my sleep when I get the leg cramps. Ick.

After church we ran a few errands. We went and bought the birth pool -- finally able to check something off my birth supply list! Then we came home. Normally we go to my parents right after church, but today I wanted a nap. :) Jeff played with Bodey all afternoon and kept the house quiet. I slept for hours. And I feel amazing tonight. Its incredible what sleep can do for a person!

Sweet Amanda showed up at my parents house tonight with some Cold Stones ice cream for me. Mmmm!!! I am going to finish blogging, then get ready for bed, put a movie in and eat my delicious ice cream curled up under my blankets.

But oh! Before I go...The adorable pictures of Bodey chowing down on his plum! He was sitting on my lap at the kitchen table, and saw a big bag of plums. He grabbed (I assumed he thought it was a ball) but apparently he knew exactly what to do. He chomped down on that thing and chowed down. He ate the entire plum then went back for seconds! Crazy baby!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Retail therapy type of day

No picture today...I failed you all. I didn't snap one single pict of Bodey's sweet face. Oiy.

It was a retail therapy type of day.

I slept in this morning and apparently woke up on the wrong side of bed. Jeff went to the baseball game today and left at 11:00, at which time Bodey was down for the longest nap of his life. It was incredible. And he woke up so happy. But I was crazy bored and puttered around doing nothing. Which was stupid of me. I have so much to do, but didn't do anything. Oh well.

(Side note: I asked my mom how to spell Stupid. Yep, I really did. I'm *that* tired. And her response was, "Are you talking to Shaylah?" Ooooh burn.)

Around 2ish I finally drug my tired body over to my mom's house to hang with her. She worked like a busy little bee, enjoying her quiet house.

I sat online all day shopping. I've just been blah today. Very blue. I need to take my vitamin b's I think.... but some diaper retail therapy patched me up and made me feel much better.

My parents house is quiet today. I guess it would be with only the little girlies and the babies here. We guzzled sweet tea and coffees all day. Oh, and we ate Panda for lunch. My eyes are still watering from that stupid Beijing beef! 

I bought some more newborn diapers. My stash really is complete now. (Haven't I said that for the past two weeks?!) Someone stop me! I also finally bought Bodey a few covers. They are super duper cute!

The dudes and Shaylah are heading home now. They'll be back around 11ish. My mom and I are gonna get all the girls to bed and sit and...well, probably do nothing. Maybe I'll break out the sewing machine??

We'll see :)

Maybe more retail therapy??? I still feel a bit blaaaah....

Friday, June 22, 2012

Blaaah type of day

Today was a blah day. All the guys went fishing and were gone foreeverrr. Ugh. And tomorrow they will be gone again all day at the Giant's game. :-/

Mama and I had a lazy day. We aren't exactly sure where all of our time went. I know most of my mom's day was spent in the kitchen cooking. She's not used to doing all this cooking ;-) But now that Shelbie is gone, she's back on the list for cooking days. This makes the rest of us happy, we like her cooking. :)

I went to Babies R Us this evening to pick up a few things I need. But guess what, the sell that they promised would still be going til the 28th was over. I left very frustrated.

I think I'm not terribly in the mood to blog tonight. Because I can't think of anything else I want to write about.

So that's all for now.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better blogging night.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bodey learns how to blow a whistle

Is this not cute or what?!

I think I'm ready!

Today I finalized my newborn diaper stash.

I think I am ready. Boy or girl. My stash is complete.

Payday! lazyness and Prophetic sisters??

Guess what? Its Thursday--Payday Thursday. And we still have $12 in our bank account!!! (Insert tons of "!!!!!'s" and smiley faces) This is such a rarity for us. I'm beyond excited!

Today...I accomplished a lot. I reorganized my hallway closet to clear up a shelf for some of Bodey's diapers. Which means I had to move all my towels up a shelf and now they are too high for me to easily reach. :-/ Kinda lame having to keep a stool in my closet to reach the towel shelf! Haha!

Bodey took two naps today. But he went down with a fight each time. Good news is, it will get easier and easier every day.

I felt horribly lazy today. I just wanted to sleep. And the worst part is, I felt this way even after taking a nap. When I was complaining as to why I felt so lazy, Jeff put it in simplistic terms for me. "Honey, you are 32 weeks pregnant and our house is 90o. Why do you think you feel lazy?" Oh yea.... duh!

Cute conversation today with Shylie girl: (pointing at my stomach) "What is wrong with your stomach? Is there another baby in there?!" I said yes, to which she was very excited. Apparently she has just been thinking her sissy has been getting fat! Lolly pipes up, "She's gonna have her baby after my birthday." Shylie says, "oh. Well Mama is going to have a baby in her belly on my birthday." Reaallly?? Let's mark this date on the calender and see if the little girl is prophetic!

Tomorrow the guys and Shaylah are going fishing. My mom and I are gonna chill with the little dudes and the girlies.

My plans for tonight?? A relaxing hot bath with a bowl of cold watermelon sitting on the edge of the tub. Then bed. I. am. so. tired.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Naps, sunshine, cleaning, shopping

I'm not feeling real great tonight (food poisoning??) so this will be short and sweet.

Bodey took two naps today. And they both happened without a fight. I'm so happy!

My neck hurts badly today. I have a pop that needs to come out and just won't budge. I'm thinking I'll be going to see our chiropractor tomorrow...

I layed out and soaked up some sun with Shaylah and my mom today. It was lovely. I actually got a splash of color to my cheeks and grew a few new freckles.

My kitchen is sparkling today. And my cupboards need a new coat of paint, since I scrubbed it all off in my fit of cleaning rage today. Oh well, I've been wanting to repaint it soon anyways ;-)

"Ohhhh Jefffffffreeey?!!!"  Guess what he's gonna be doing next week? ;-)

Went shopping tonight with my parents. The boys rode in the stroller. We put Shiro behind Bodey to protect his fuzzy head from Bodey's grabby hands. Shiro took advantage of the situation. He played "knock knock" on the back of Bodey's head the whole time. He even got in a few head butts. Eventually Bodey had enough. As you can see in the pictures... *Sigh* My son is a bully.

I'm exhausted. I am heading to bed. So hopefully I wake up energized so I can get back to my mad cleaning. Tomorrow I am working on my hallways closet, organizing and packing things away. Woot Woot!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bad news from Zambia, unripe tomatoes, and sleepy baby boy

I got to chat with Shelbie last night (well, veryyyy early this morning!) on facebook, which was fun. I haven't talked with her since she left Texas. But we woke up this morning to some very bad news. :(Apparently yesterday (hehe, HER yesterday) her bag got stolen right out from under her. It contained *all* of her money, all her ID's and worst of all, her passport. We've all been very stressed out over here. Tomorrow she will be going to the Embassy to see what can be done. In the meantime, please send prayers our/her way.

Bodey was a pain in the rear last night. He woke up at 2am and didn't go back to sleep til 4:30. But to make matters worse, he woke up again this morning at 7. UGH. Needless to say, I am tired. You'd assume that he would be tired too, right? Um....wrong? The little booger refuses to sleep anymore. Naps are like pulling teeth. We are going to be changing that this week. I guess he doesn't realize he's 1 and he still needs 2 naps a day. :-/

We did some house work this morning. Washed some laundry, did some organizing and some gardening. I picked my first tomato today! I thought it was a funky shaped yellow pear tomato. Apparently it was an unripe red tomato. :-/ Hopefully the pear tomatoes start producing soon, I'm so excited about them! Oh! And my zucchini plants have flowers on them! Yay!!!

I went over to my mom's this afternoon. I was planning on swimming, but again, just spent the day talking about it. 

I'm at home now and I'm in the mood to clean. My house isn't 200 degrees like it normally is, so I'm going to seize the opportunity. Maybe I'll scrub my kitchen cupboards tonight??


Monday, June 18, 2012

Hot, hot, hot, midwife appt, swimming, poop eaters, guacamole

^^^^^ Bathtub party!! I promise, they were having fun! ^^^^^

Today was so hot. So very hot. Ick.

Jeff and I got up early this morning to go to an appointment with our midwife. After my next appointment she will start coming to our house. She says at that appointment (in 4 weeks...my 36 week appointment) I need to have all my birthing kit stuff assembled. I can't believe we are already this close! It seems like just yesterday I was shopping for Bodey's birth kit!

After the appointment we went to my parents. Our house is way too hot to stay home during the day. :( My mom, Shaylah and I talked about sunbathing and swimming all day. But we never actually went outside. Instead we stayed inside drinking sweet tea. Jeff went swimming for a while though and I was jealous at how refreshed he looked.
My low of the day was leaving both Bodey and Shiro in one of my brother's care (won't name any names.....) for five minutes. When I walked back in, I saw them each eating something. I started yelling, "What are they eating?!" Said brother was so absorbed in what he was doing and didn't turn to look, so by the time I got over there, their treasures were already in their mouths. Guess what it was? Dog poop. Uh-huh. My baby brother and son are poop eaters. I almost puked. Needless to say, they both got their mouths washed out with soap. I would have used bleach, but that was voted down. Disgusting. I'm never kissing their little poop mouths again. Eeew.

Tonight I came home early to do some house stuff. Amanda came over to keep me company, which was fun! I changed my bed sheets, did the dishes, washed some diapers, folded some diapers, got my newborn diaper stash together and packed up and a few other odds and ends. I feel accomplished.

I am starving tonight. I didn't eat dinner (because I'm too picky and don't like meat on the bone!) Guess I didn't realize I don't have much at my house that doesn't require stove or oven cooking. And I'm not nearly that desperate in this hot house. Instead I mashed up 5 avocados and made guacamole and ate a bag of chips. (okay, not really a whole bag) I'm gonna go chase my guac down with a bowl of cereal, go take a cold bath and then head to bed to enjoy my nice clean sheets. :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Father's day 2012 :)

We went to church this morning. Of course, I didn't get to sit through the whole service. Will I ever again? Bodey barfed all over me 3 times while we were there. I didn't appreciate that.

After church we went and got Jeff a Father's day McFlurry. And then we ran a couple errands.

Bodey bought his daddy matching Superman tshirts. Bodey's tshirt has a superman cape attached to it. How cute is that?? Can't wait to get pictures of them wearing them!

We went to my parents this afternoon. Bodey beat Shiro up. Cody the cat beat Bodey up.

Bodey took a nap. Jeff took a nap. I took a nap. It was a napping kind of day.

When we all woke up it was almost dinner time. It was a man's meal: tri-tip, potatoes, corn on the cob, cabbage salad, and watermelon. It was delicious. Bodey enjoyed it all, but oddly enough didn't dig the tri-tip. Which is strange, because normally he's a little carnivore.

After dinner we went for a family swim. Bodey and Shiro had a ton of fun until the wind picked up. A few minutes later they were both blue lipped and chattering.

We had blueberry crisp and ice cream for desert. Jeff and Daddy set up my dad's new tv. Bodey was cranky from his cat scratches.

We are home now, in our giant oven. The thermostat is off the charts. Yuck. We need a swimming pool. We rented Kung Fu Panda 2 (yes...you read that right!) And we are going to relax in bed with wet washcloths to cool us down while eating chips and salsa and watching our movie.

Happy Father's day to Jeff!!!!
Bodey and I loveee you!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Help yourself to my apple, Bodey

The last night I took an apple to bed to eat while Jeff and I watched a movie. I ended up falling asleep before I could eat it. This is what I woke up to this morning:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Blueberry picking, Babies R Us, newborn prep, grocery shopping

Went blueberry picking today! Its official: Bodey loves blueberries. We made sure to write our name on the board. It was sad, we couldn't include Shelbie. :(

Speaking of Shelbie. She's doing well. Too well. We got some texts from her today, basically in a nutshell this is what she said: "I love it here! I love the kids! I love the people! I love the land! I'm never coming home." Grrrrr.

I SAID STOP SENDING PRAYERS OF COMFORT HER WAYYYY!!!!!!!! We want to see some tears again!

This afternoon Jeff and I ran some errands. We went to Babies R Us. I got some girly receiving blankets. (If its not a girl, well we'll be ready whenever we do have a girl!!!) So now tonight I need to pull out a few specific boy blankets as well to wash up and put in bags to be ready for whenever this little one decides to come into the world.

I also got the newborn carseat base. It was soo annoying with Bodey switching the base back and forth between cars, so I'm excited to have gotten that. Sometime this week we need to go out to Turlock to pick up a crib from a friend. Then really, the only last thing we NEED is a bookshelf to store diapers/blankets/ect on. Now that we'll have two babies we definitely need more storage space!

I'm sorting through all my newborn diapers. Trying to decide which I'm keeping, which I'm selling and which I'm trading out. I need to perfect my perfect newborn stash then get them all washed up and stored away.

I can't believe we are down to so little time! I'm due the day before Shelbie comes home. And at this point, I'm irritated enough with her, I'm gonna try to have this baby before she gets home. :-p That's what she gets for going off and breaking our hearts like this.

Sour much? Yessss.

Anyways, we went grocery shopping this afternoon. We got a delicious looking watermelon and for the 1st time ever, I guessed correctly how much it would cost. Did you know when you weigh fruit or veggies you have to watch to see how many times the dial goes around on the scale?? Yea, I didn't know that. So I've always been so frustrated that my speculated .60 cent watermelons actually end up costing $5+. Well today I figured that out. Its not TWO pounds...its TWELVE! Duh right?? :-/

We also got some Lucky Charms type cereal, but get this: Its high fructose and color FREE!!! Yes! Thats right! No corn syrup, no food colors, no GMO's!  And, the best part: its yummy!!!! .

We're winding down our evening. We have a tired baby who's ready for bed. And his parents want to just chill and relax. :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Shelbie landed safely! Naps, postoffice and errands

Shelbie landed safely in Zambia!! Mama got to text with her a little bit today and she sounds like she is doing great! A little too great in fact. :-/ Call me selfish, but I'd like to see some tears again. Whenever we get to skype with her, I'm gonna tell her how horribly her poor lonely dog is doing. That will get her missing us and ensure us that she won't come home and announce, "Guess what guys?! I'm moving to Zambia." Stupid Shelbie.

*Stop sending "comforting" prayers her way. Keep the safety prayers floating that way, but enough with the comfort/lonely prayers.*

Anyways, Today: My body is still sore and hating me from all the cleaning I did yesterday. I hobbled around and whined all afternoon. I even took a nap. Which was lovely.

After my nap we got ready and ran a few errands. We went to the grocery store and got some stuff and then went to the post office to mail a bajillion and one packages. I hate shipping stuff. :(

This afternoon was hot. So hot I wanted to bring Bodey's kiddie pool in the house for him to splash around in. Jeff suggested the bathtub instead. *me: "Oh duhhh!"*  So I chilled in the bathroom with him while he splashed around for a while.

Tonight we went and ran errands with my parents while my siblings went to VBS. Bodey did good until about 9o'clock, when he completely melted and screamed all the way home. Oiy. He's tucked away in bed now though.

And as always, I need food and my bed :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cleaning cleaning cleaning

So. Incredibly. Tired.

I spent the day cleaning like a madwoman. Yet, depressingly enough you can't really tell. :-/ Guess it always gets worse before it gets better... I wonder if I'm nesting? Nah, its probably too early for that.

Anyhoo. I scrubbed my bathroom down like crazy. Did you know I have a white bathroom sink?? I didn't know this! I cleaned the toilet (YUCK) and scrubbed the bathtub down with an old toothbrush. Tomorrow I will finish up by organizing and mopping.

The living room also got mopped. As well as the kitchen...which already needs it again. :-/

I got out all my newborn stuff (Diapers, blankets, ect) and set it aside. I need to get that all washed up soon and packed into a clean box so its ready when the baby is born.

I spent what felt like forever stuffing all of Bodey's diapers and thinking, "I have way too many diapers..." all while I sat on the computer...buying more diapers. *Palm smacking head*

Tonight I drug my sore body over to my parent's house. Bodey swam with his best buddy (which eventually turned into Bodey pulling his hair, shoving him aside and other mean things) and ate a lemon. Yes, he ate the lemon wedge. Crazy kid.

He crashed hard tonight, which is good. Maybe that means he'll sleep through the night??? I am off to scout for some food and then go to bed.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Skyping skyping skyping and tutus

Bodey spent his afternoon wearing a Tutu. His uncles and daddy called him a Fairy all afternoon. His mama needs a little girl to dress up...

We skyped with Shelbie today. She is doing a little bit better but is still very homesick. She is packing her bags tonight as she's leaving early tomorrow morning (4am California time) to head to Zambia. Please continue praying for her.

Bodey and I slept in til 9 today. What a good boy! We went to story time (we drove today!) then went back to his Mimi's house so that the house could be quiet for Jeff to catch up on some sleep. We spent the afternoon skyping off and on with Shelbie. And moping about when we weren't.

I had all these awesome plans to come home this evening and clean like a madman. But alas, its 90o in my house. Way way waaay to hot to work. So instead I took a cold bath and am now getting ready for an early bed.

Hopefully an early bedtime helps me wake up before Mr Busy tomorrow, when the house is still cool and I can work like crazy!

Monday, June 11, 2012

busy weekend. Tired people

Sorry for the lack of updating. We've had a very very busy weekend.

Shelbie is officially gone. Doing what the Lord has called her to do. We dropped her and my mom off at the airport Friday where they flew to Texas to meet with the director and other interns. We picked my mom up today. Shelbie will remain in Texas til Wednesday going through training and fly to Zambia Wednesday morning. Please keep her in your prayers. She is very very very lonely and misses her family deeply.

Its been a crazy weekend. I've basically been living at my parents helping my dad out. Lots of late nights. Lots of tired kids. And lots of big people laughing. For no reason. That's when you know that everyone is really reallllly tired.

That's all for now.

Again, pray for Shelbie. Drop her a love note on Facebook. Email her. Something. Let her know that you all love her and give her a little dose of encouragement!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

just a picture tonight

Too tired to write words. Hope the picture will do for now. :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rain rain!!!!

It rained today. It was chilly. The air smelled good. It was so much fun! Everything looked beautiful and clean.

Bodey let me sleep til 11 today!!!!!!! Whoa!! (Well actually, the background to the story is he woke at 5:30. I brought to bed the box of cheerios and accidentally fell asleep. I woke up about an hour later to probably 100 cheerios all over my bed and Bodey sitting happily between Jeff and I chowing down. Then I tricked Bodey into going back to sleep for his morning nap...and he slept til 11!!!!!!) Minus the cheerio situation, what a good boy :)

We got up and started house work. I was working away diligently when Shelbie texted and asked us to come for lunch. Of course we are trying to spend every possible moment with her before she leaves, so we dropped what we were doing and headed to my parents house.

We spent the afternoon watching the Duggars with them and laughing at Bodey and Shiro's little cat fights.

Bodey is asleep now and I'm thinking an early bedtime sounds lovely. I'm going to go take a hot bath, eat something and go to bed!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Busy weekend. Partied out. Tired. Grumpy boy.

I just found out that the music playlist that i've been using for my blog for the past 4 years "Updated their site to bigger and better" and made the "hard decision" to no longer allow playlist codes to be posted in blogger. (POOP ON THEM!!!!!!!!) So I'm feeling very irritated right now. Please stand by as I will spend the next few days trying to figure this out and working on getting a new playlist (obviously through a friendlier web host...) uploaded.

We've had a very busy past few days.

I got into a high kicking competition with Jeff on Friday and pulled some muscles. So I've had a very painful and slow moving weekend. ;-) No more high kick contests for me!

Saturday we had a prayer night for Shelbie -- did you know she's leaving on Friday?! THIS Friday?! Um yea...I didn't know that.

Today we had a surprise early birthday for her. (She turns 18 two weeks after she gets to Zambia.) So that was fun. But I think we are all partied out for a while...Lolly will be lucky if she gets a birthday party next month. Teehehee!

Tonight Jeff and Shelbie went to College group. Since it was Shelbie's last week they stayed forever so she could talk and say goodbye to everyone. I was stuck at home with Mr Grumpy himself. Eeek. Its been a long weekend for him and he's done. D.O.N.E.

Thankfully he is in bed asleep right now--whew!

I'm not looking forward to starting a new week.

I want to sleep. And I want to sleep in........ sweeet sweeet sleep. How I miss thee.

"Yes, 5:30am...I hear you calling me. I will see you tomorrow. Bright and early. Uh huh...see you then..."

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Busyness...real post soon. I promise.

No words tonight...it's late and I'm tired. I'll post 3 pictures since I skipped yesterday :)