
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bodey's first black eye

Bodey got his first black eye today. :'-( Poor little dude got knocked in the face by the kiddy swing. It left a pretty shiner. Pictures don't do it justice.

I'm really irritated today. I checked my data allowance on my iphone this morning. It was at 255 (I get 300mb) A few hours later I get a notification saying I've used 100% of my allowance and I'm being billed an additional $20 for 300mb more. This irritates me for multiple reasons. 1st) I didn't get my 90% notice that they normally text me. 2nd) my data gets refilled on Friday! That's only in 3 days! And 3rd) data doesn't roll over! So now I have to use 300mb's of data up in 3 days or else, I'm just wasting $20. I kind of want to cry. :'-(

Today Bodey was in a great mood. I don't know whats going on with his poop system, but I kid you not, I've changed more poopy diapers this week than I've ever changed before. If I have to change one more today, I will cry! ICK!

Jeff switched the fish to the bedroom tank today, so I'm excited for bedtime. Bodey is going to love falling asleep watching them swim around!

I didn't acomplish much. I washed some diapers. And did the dishes. That's it. Then I came over to my whiny family's house. Gee, you miss one day and they think you hate them or something! *eye roll* Its nice to feel loved. :)

My goals for tonight are: Get Bodey to bed at 8. Mop my kitchen floor. Clean the game room and fold laundry. Jeff got our TV working yesterday (we only get one channel--no cable or anything) but the one channel we get is the channel with all the old TV shows on it! So I'll fold laundry and watch some Dick Van Dyke tonight. :)

And eat cookies. Yesss, that sounds fun! As fun as folding laundry can be anyways ;-)

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