
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Church, napping, ice cream and plums

Today was Church. I was so tired Jeff had to practically pull my hair from my scalp to get me up. I was awake late last night (thanks to my mom's yummy coffee she made me at 8pm...) And then was awake all night due to my obnoxious leg cramps. Oiy. Today my legs ache like crazy. They feel bruised to even touch. And oddly, my hands and wrists hurt too! I think I clench them up in my sleep when I get the leg cramps. Ick.

After church we ran a few errands. We went and bought the birth pool -- finally able to check something off my birth supply list! Then we came home. Normally we go to my parents right after church, but today I wanted a nap. :) Jeff played with Bodey all afternoon and kept the house quiet. I slept for hours. And I feel amazing tonight. Its incredible what sleep can do for a person!

Sweet Amanda showed up at my parents house tonight with some Cold Stones ice cream for me. Mmmm!!! I am going to finish blogging, then get ready for bed, put a movie in and eat my delicious ice cream curled up under my blankets.

But oh! Before I go...The adorable pictures of Bodey chowing down on his plum! He was sitting on my lap at the kitchen table, and saw a big bag of plums. He grabbed (I assumed he thought it was a ball) but apparently he knew exactly what to do. He chomped down on that thing and chowed down. He ate the entire plum then went back for seconds! Crazy baby!!!

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