
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy 1 month birthday, Blessing!

Still sick

Everyone is still sick today. We spent a lot of time in bed. And watched a lot of movies. Go away body aches!!!

On a happy note... How cute is this year's Christmas ornament?? Adorable, right??

Monday, September 24, 2012

Today was a bad day

The pictures say it all...

(incase the Picts aren't in order... Everyone is sick. Bodey barfed all over my chest and face. I'm the last person to get sick.... And I feel it sneaking on... Send prayers for all of us!!!)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

"today was a good day"

As the great Poppet once said, "today was a good day."

I slept in this morning, thanks to my sweet hubby.

I had banana muffins for breakfast...yummy!

I started reading through the most awesome devotional book ever this morning.

I laid in bed this afternoon snuggling with my babies.

I got a new wrap in the mail. And it's droolworthy.

Jeff serenaded his kiddos this afternoon and oversaw Bodey giving baby seeester some lovin.

We ran errands this afternoon. Went out for burgers, then hit up the new Old Navy. It was so much fun. I need a lot of money, so I can buy all the adorrrable baby clothes I saw.

We spent the evening at my parents house. We had potato soup for dinner and sat around the kitchen table working on baby shower crafts. We made 42 paper roses. And they are cute.

After we put the babies to bed, we finished off the evening with a bowl of Icecream.

Yes. Yes, it was definitely a good day.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Story time

Okay, is this not the cutest video ever??

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ney/Brawley/Bauman Camping trip 2012

This weekend was our anual Ney/Brawley/Bauman camping trip. Originally Jeff and I were going to bow out this year, but at the last minute, we decided to be wild and crazy and go. And yep...it was definitely a crazy thing to do!!! Taking a 3 week old camping is pretty unpredictable!

We had a lot of fun!

Some of the highlights were:

Seeing a bear (yup...they saw a bear and have photographic proof!)
finding a new swimming hole
catching a total of 10 fish--which is huge for my family!
S'mores before dinner (told ya we were wild and crazy!)
late night bonfire laughs
making fun of grammy ;-)
relaxing, bonding and making family memories!

The lowlights of the trip were:

Freezing in our sleep (...wait...sleep? What's that??)
Dealing with a screaming little boy in the middle of the night
Dealing with a screaming little girl in the middle of the night
Dealing with two screaming babies in the middle of the night
not get any sleep at night

Now onto picture captioning:
Smooching on Daddy

Myyyy, what big eyes you have!!!!
Bundling up for bedtime
Hanging in the hamock with my little mister
1st camping trip as a family of 4!!
(Notice Mr. B who's dead asleep? Someone was tired after being awake all night...)
Is this a smile?!?
Chillin with my main man
Blessing was very intrigued by the trees
Bedtime...can you spot my bed buddies' heads??
Staring out the window and "OOOOH'ing" and "AWWWW'ing" over all the trees