
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We have a name!

Bodey Zaydok Truth Bauman

(Definition: Messenger of the righteous truth)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's a BOY!

It's a boy!!! He's here!!!

Born April 22, 2011 at 2:21pm

6lbs 2 oz 19 inches long

...Name to be announced...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Getting my house cleaned

Low of the day:

I didn't get a nap today :-(

Yesterday's highs and lows

I forgot...again...to do highs and lows last night :-(

Yesterday's high of the day:

Going grocery shopping with Shelbie and Shaylah and having some girl time

Yesterday's low of the day:

Feeling so "blah" all day long

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Highs and Lows for the past few days

*I feel so ashamed. I can't believe I've forgotten to do these for the past few days*

(Head hung in shame...)

So...for the past few days:

High of the days:

Going through all of our baby stuff, getting things organized and doing all the final touches on things pertaining to baby.

Low of the days:

Waiting...and waiting...and waiting for Baby Bauman to make his/hers appearance

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

My sisters, parents, and aunt throwing a combined baby shower for

Jeff and I and my parents


Low of the day:

I'd rather not talk about it....

(I drank castor oil tonight...and no, I'm not in labor.

What a waste of time and tastebuds)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sad news:

Sorry guys, but Easter is canceled this year :-(

I love these:

I think all children should have a wooden toy collection:

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Tonight Amanda came over and hung out with Jeff and I.

We watched Megamind

and ate Brownies a'la mode.

It was a good evening.

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Watching "Megamind" with Jeff and Amanda tonight...such a funny movie!!

Low of the day:

Another day gone by that I didn't finish my "to-do" list.

Can I blame it on my brain?

It hasn't been on my side lately.


I really love these:

Along with the pack of adorable elephant recieving blankets that I just posted about, I'm also going to be adding these to my shopping cart as well:

On my "to-make for baby" list:

I love these:

I can't tell if these are for a boy or for a girl, but either way I don't really care! I am going to be getting me a pack of these sweet recieving blankets next time I head into town.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
In about 15 minutes, when I'm curled up in bed!

Low of the day:

My. Hips. Hurt. So. Bad!

Funniest babyshower gift:

From my parents:

Note to Daddy and Mama:

Feel free to come spray Shylie's poopy diapers off at my house anytime ;-)

These are cute...but not $30 cute

Two of my favorite websites are: babysteals and babyhalfoff. Both websites, twice daily (9am and 9pm) list some type of baby item (stuffed animals, clothing, cloth diapers, carriers, ect ect ect!!) for half off what the regular price is. The thing is though, these sites list only a small amount of items, so the people who actually shop these websites are halfoff freaks. They are on at exactly 9 and once that item is listed, they're clicking the "buy me" button before their computer even realizes that what they're clicking on is a button.

Today, on babyhalfoff, they have these stuffed animals listed:

Don't get me wrong...they are cute...but I'd NEVER in a million years pay the original $30 a piece for them!! Furthermore...I wouldn't even pay $15 a piece for them!

I think it goes without saying...these aren't selling out anytime soon. ;-)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bridesmaid's dress

Today I had to go order my bridesmaid's dress for Annie's wedding. It was kind of funny ordering a dress without getting to try it on, but watching the dress lady try to measure me and guess what size I might be. :-/

Needless to say...I am very nervous. This dress had BETTER fit me!!!!

This is kind of what it looks like:
(Except the one we ordered has the sleeve on the other shoulder, and the waist band is just a straight line--not like this criss crossy one.)

It's a cute dress. I just hope A) I fit into it or B) we can figure out how to make it work. :-/

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Meeting with our midwife

Low of the day:

Not getting all I wanted to acomplish done today

Is this mean for me to buy??

Diapers. Diapers. Diapers.

Yesterday I finally made myself take all my diapers down from my laundry room. It made me sad to take them out--I've been enjoying seeing them all hanging there. They're all so cute :) But I figured it was about time I took them down, stuffed them and packed them away for when Baby Bauman is big enough to wear them.

I couldn't help myself...I took pictures before I took them down.

Aren't they cute hanging there?

Aren't they even cuter in my laundry basket?!

Aren't they cutest stuffed and stacked in piles?!?!?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Running errands tonight with Jeff and buying some cute baby stuff

Low of the day:

Driving out to Merced for my midwife appointment...
upon arriving finding out she was away at a birth. :-(
Loonnng drive to just have to turn around and head home!!

CC Turlock Baby Shower

Yesterday CC Turlock threw me a baby shower. It was a lot of fun--and such a sweet blessing for Jeff and I. We were showered with so many wonderful and thoughtful gifts. Many of the gifts were homemade things that will be cherished forever by us and Baby B!

It was so wonderful to see who all showed up to show Jeff and I their love, support and joy as we enter this new season of life. We're so blessed to be a part of the Calvary Chapel Turlock fellowship.

Here are some pictures of the adorable things we were given:

Isn't this lamb blanket and pillow set adorable?! And its crazy soft!!!

Shelbie made this adorable flannel blanket:

This is a fleecy rag tie quilt...I love these!! They are so soft and so cute!! It came with two matching tiny little cuddly blankets.

This is a nursing cover. It's really pretty and not see-through :)

This thing is AWESOME! You know how you throw a blanket over the baby's car seat to keep out the sun or to keep people from messing with a sleeping baby? But the blanket always falls off or gets pulled off? Well this is made for a baby car seat! It velcros around the handle and won't fall off :-D

And this, is a super cute rag quilt. I've never seen one before, but the gal who gave to me told me to wash it up and the edges will fray. It was so cool to see the before and after. It's adorable...I want to make one of these!

(And I know this is totally not related to baby gifts...but these cupcakes that they served were FANTASTIC!!!! I think I ate like 8 of them!)
*BTW...Idk why this paragraph is blue and underlined!)

I had a lot of fun today washing all these sweet things up and putting them away where they belong. :) Now we just need a baby to try them all out on!!! C'mon baby Bauman! Hurry up!!

R.I.P Sophie...almost

Today I almost killed my cat. I found her--again--in the baby's crib. Last time I caught her curled up in there, I threatened to skin her alive and use her fur to make a baby blanket out of.

Today, I fully planned on carrying this threat out. But, by the time I had tracked my camera down and taken a picture of her, I had forgotten how mad I was at her.

That doesn't mean I let stay in the crib--but at least I didn't tear her apart. Instead, I tracked my spray bottle down and gave her a good old fashioned shower. She was very wet when I was finished with her, but she's grateful to still be alive and in one piece.

Next time Sophie...next time will be the last time.

I'm thinking...I'm thinking...

I'm trying to think of something--anything!--that I can do with these adorable little birdies against the baby's nursery wall. Nothing is coming to me. :-(

Back to thinking...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
My church throwing me a lovely baby shower and
blessing Jeff and I with lots of adorable baby stuff!!
(I'll be blogging about the baby shower tomorrow!
Right now Jeff is begging for his turn on the computer!)

Low of the day:
I've lost my ankle bones again. :-(

Promised Pictures

Here are the pictures that I promised I'd post. Of some of the kids there are multiple pictures...that's because I couldn't decide which I liked best.