
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cradle quilt...4th update

Tonight I sewed the back quilt panel. When I was working on it, I really thought having a strip of the quilt top running through the back would look cute...but now that it's too late...I'm not so sure. :-/ Oh well, too late to go back and change it now!

Cradle quilt...3rd update

I got all my squares laid out, and with Jeff's help we got them arranged the way we liked :) And then I sewed them all together and ironed it out. Voila! My quilt top was finished!

Cradle quilt...2nd update

I got all my squares and circles cut out and sewn together!

Diapers are ready!!

Tonight my mom got all of her newborn diapers together and ready for use.

I watched with extreme jealousy (all of my diapers are still sitting on my "preparing for baby chair," in a very uncute fashion as I have nowhere to put them yet). My mom, who is so prepared for everything, already has a cute basket to keep hers in. Lucky ducky. I'm going to go basket shopping this week! I want to stuff my diapers and have my own cute little basket!

I thought these little diapers were cute from the beginning. But after today--seeing them all stuffed and lined all cutely in her cute little diaper basket, oh my! They're adorable!!

We then spent a while, clucking over these diapers like chickens over their little chicks. We decided to "practice" a bit on a baby doll. We practiced our prefold wrapping skills using a snappi. I'm sure the diaper covers won't be as difficult to figure out. ;-)

I need to borrow this dolly and let Jeff get some practice in! I think it'll be easier to practice on a dolly, rather than a crying baby.

We're down to just a few weeks! Eeeek!!! :-D

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

I'm almost finished with my cradle quilt!!!!

Low of the day:

Knowing that the next 30 minutes of my future consists of doing dishes

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Having strawberries for snack at Bradley class tonight...sooo yummy!!!

Low of the day:

Rolling my car window up on my mom's poor finger :-/

My latest ebay lust:

I'm really pining after this on ebay right now. It ends in 22 hours and I have every intention of making it mine!!! It's a little cradle quilt, it's vintage but in excellent condition. It has little Sunbonnet Sue and Sam's all over it. (I looove sunbonnet Sue and Sam!!!) I think this would look gorgeous draped over the edge of our baby crib!

Cradle quilt...1st update

Yesterday I went to Beverly's and picked out the fabric for the cradle quilt.

That was an extremely overwhelming and difficult thing to do....there were just toooo many options to pick from!

I finally settled on these fabrics:

The 1st scrap of fabric in the picture (the one with the itttttty bitttty teeny tiny dots (behind the squared fabric) is the back of my squares. All the other fabrics starting after the light fabric with the BIG dots are the circles that are going to go on top of my squares. The big dotted fabric is the backing of the quilt, and that 2nd scrap (the one with squares) is going to be my binding.

I'm verrry excited to get started on this!!! I just hope and pray it turns out the way I'm invisioning!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Last night I ate an entire canning jar (pint size) of Robins Eggs.

I regretted each delicious little egg that made its way into my mouth.

I don't think I ever want to see another robins egg in my lifetime.

Ok....I take that back... maybe just one more? :-)

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Going to the chiropractor.

Its been way too long...

can't wait til my next appointment!!!

Low of the day:

Spending a whoppin $40 at Beverly's buying cradle quilt material...

$40 for a CRADLE quilt!!!


Heartbreaking news:

Last night I discovered a stretch mark on my stomach.

This has me very upset.

Come Monday (i'll be 37 weeks) I'm gonna go run a marathon and try to get labor started.

I can deal with a lot...but not stretch marks.

This is the first time during this pregnancy that I've thought, "Okay, I'm ready to have this baby NOW."

Stupid stretch marks.

My mom calls them "Badges of honor."

Psh. "Badges of honor" my butt!!!!!!!

I want these:

Monday, March 28, 2011

My new love:

Robins eggs And this, is on the top of my "to-eat" list:

Robins eggs in Vanilla ice cream

Toilet handles = germy!

Lately I've had this weird fixation/issue with toilet handles. I realized this week just how dirty they are!! And now, every time I look at ours, I can just picture billions of little germs crawling around on it waiting to hop onto my hands. No matter how many times I clean it (which is more times than I can count) it still feels germy to me and I usually end up using a whole bar of soap on my hands while washing them. I know, I'm weird. But think about it for a minute! ....they're nasty and dirty!!! Speaking of toilet handles...check out this pretty one: I think I want to buy it. It would look lovely on my toilet.

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

More diapers came today!!!

Low of the day:

I had a very lazy & unproductive day :-(

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cute stuff for a baby boy?

After seeing this little romper outfit, I realized that there are some cute clothes for baby boys. I won't mind having a boy if I can find more cute outfits like this one:

Stroller/carseat & playpen shopping!

Today my father-in-law took Jeff and I shopping for our stroller & car seat set and a playpen. I had registered at Target, but upon arrival, we discovered they are in the process of rearranging and had none of the items I registered for. :-( So we left and headed to Babies R Us. Babies R Us, as I've written about before, is soooo overwhelming! There are just too many choices!!

But, with Jeff and Loren's help, I managed to survive.

We picked out a nice playpen and also a stroller/carseat set. I'm super excited! I told Loren that I want to go buy a baby doll and take it for a walk in the stroller--just because I'm so excited to try it out!!

Both boxes are now stacked in our livingroom, next to my rocking chair. I want to rip into them and set them up...but must restrain myself. Once our bedroom is painted, then I might open them and get them set up. :-)

(I'm so eager, I'm sure we'll be starting the painting process tomorrow!)

Thank-you Loren for taking us shopping!!! :-)

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Getting our stroller/carseat and baby playpen today!!!

Low of the day:

Being so tired, yet knowing I've still got a few hours before I get to go to bed :-(

Thursday, March 24, 2011

They came!!!

My diapers came today!!!!!! :-D They are every bit as cute as I thought they'd be!!! Maybe tomorrow my yellow and white ones will come...?

I should not be this excited about baby diapers. :-/

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Watching Nemo (my dad's dog) and Maycie playing with each other tonight

Low of the day:
Going to Costco to get some dog food...
...leaving with muffins and macaroni...
and then realizing when we got home: "We forgot the dog food."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tonight's TTAPing acomplishments:

7 minutes + hoedowns. I'm currently gasping for air and coughing an organ up. I can't wait til this cold goes away completely!!!!

I TTAPed with shoes on tonight, which I guess I'll never do again. I was slipping everywhere!!! I almost managed to do the splits. That would have really hurt. :-/ Tomorrow night: back to being barefoot!

Diapers diapers diapers!

My diapers did not come today. :-( But, upon tracking the order, I'm excited to announce...they should be arriving tomorrow!!!! (Fanfare sound effect...)

I'm beyond excited. I'm not really sure why...It's kind of embarrassing actually...

Embarrassment aside, I'm too excited to wait til tomorrow when they arrive to post pictures of them. So I decided to post stock pictures of the ones that I have coming. These are the 6 solid color ones that I bought:

Then of course, there are the two that I bought yesterday (the yellow and white one and the white and yellow one!). And then there are these ones, which I'll be buying slowly over the next few weeks:

Hopefully these fit our little one until it's big enough to move into the pocket diapers. (Don'tcha worry...I've got a whole blog post coming soon on the adorable pocket diapers I have!!! Lucky you, right? ;-)

Bradley class #9

Tonight we had Bradley class. We've missed the past 2 weeks due to our cold, so it was nice to get to go tonight! It's pathetic when I realize that we've missed so far 3 out of 10 classes. :-( We have two classes left, but we're only going to attend next week's class, since the last class is more of a hangout-refresher class. Debbra said, "For our last class everyone is going to bring a snack and we'll eat and go over all of our relaxation techniques." I was excited, until she ruined it by saying, "When I say "bring snacks" I mean bring something healthy." PSH!!! Mama and I are going to play hookie that night. We don't need a refresher on the relaxation stuff, so instead we're going to stay home, teach our guys what they've been missing out on and eat cupcakes. Yea, that's right...CUPCAKES. mmmm!!! No more orange slices and veggies for me!!! ;-)

Tonight we learned that everyone needs 2 (I need 3) birth plans. For me, my birth plans would be: a home birth plan, a hospital birth plan and a C-section birth plan. I don't think I'm going to make any. For my home birth, Dawn and Jeff both fully know what I do and don't want, so I don't see a need to write everything down. For a hospital birth...well honestly, I'm scared to bring in a birth plan!!! Everything my aunt (a labor and delivery nurse says) screams: "Don't bring in a birth plan!!" Pretty much, if I end up in the hospital there's no need for me to have a birth plan, everyone will just know: don't touch me. don't touch my baby. no you're not doing that (doesn't matter what it is!!) and finally: STAY OUT OF MY ROOM. My message will be coming through loud and clear--without a birth plan! As for a c-section birth plan (which is for the situation of an emergency c-section) this is a bit sad, but if I end up with a c-section, I don't see a point in having a birth plan. They aren't going to respect my wishes if I'm knocked out anyways, so there is no point in trying. I just have to make sure and keep praying that everything goes perfectly and I can stay home and avoid a hospital in general.

One of the girls in our class had an appointment today. She's 39 weeks and everything is going well for her. Today she had to have an appointment with a different midwife, who is just such a butt!! Before this poor girl had even walked into the room, this midwife informed her: "We're inducing you today." This gal responded, "Excuse me? No you aren't. I'm not even overdue yet." This launched them into a big huge argument, where basically the midwife told her: "Let me check you and see where you are at (something this girl reallllly didn't want) or else I'm labeling you as "high risk" and you will be going across the hall to be getting induced." Poor girl!!!!! And what an awful midwife!! Long story short, this midwife was really not nice and possibly induced labor anyways--against this girl's wishes. She's been having contractions all day since her appointment. All of us in our Bradley class were fuming mad. I've refused to see this particular midwife, but I'm almost tempted to see her for my next appointment just so I can put her in her place and remind her: "Excuse me, but I'm paying you. That means you work for me!" Who does that midwife think she is? To just command this girl to be induced? Um, no. Last I checked it doesn't work like that. Doctors and most midwives (with the exception of Shawna and all home birth midwives) have this ridiculous "God complex" where they truly think they're the sun and we all revolve around them. I hate it, it drives me nuts. If it weren't for Shawna (and now Dawn) I'd have absolutely NO prenatal care during this pregnancy. You can't pay me enough to go to one of those midwives or doctors and get treated the way they treat their patients. Grrr!!

My blood is still boiling for that girl!!!

Anyways, back to what we learned...we also learned a few more relaxation techniques and ways to massage women while they're in labor. Our "homework" for this week is to practice these techniques and massages. This makes me very happy...because I always love a good massage. :) And now, by Debbra's orders...Jeff has to massage me!!! Woot Woot!! (Poor guy, he's always giving me hand/foot/back massages!! I love them too much!!)

Anyways, I think that was about it for tonight. We mainly spent the 2 hours just fuming for that poor girl. I hope she doesn't go into labor tonight, (we're all praying she doesn't,) as Shawna (her midwife) is on vacation and she really wants to wait til she gets back before her baby is born. I don't blame her!!! If I was her and I did go into labor tonight, I'd hope I got that same awful midwife...and during the delivery I'd give her a good kick in the face. "Ooops, that was an accident. I'm sorry...reflexes!"

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
In about 15 minutes when I go take a nice hot and relaxing bath :)

Low of the day:
My diapers still didn't come today...
but on the plus side, they're scheduled to arrive tomorrow!!! :-D

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
In about 15 minutes when I go take a nice hot and relaxing bath :)

Low of the day:
My diapers still didn't come today...
but on the plus side, they're scheduled to arrive tomorrow!!! :-D

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

starting up TTAPing again!

Tonight, after a looonng break, I started up TTAPing again!! It feels great to once again work out, though I'm very disappointed to be back where I started--only accomplishing 7 minutes of the workout before the wheezing began. I guess in my defense, I'm still not 100% better and am still having breathing troubles...so maybe, if I was totally better, I'd have been able to get further...?

I'm not sure what happened to my sugar promise. Can I blame my failure on getting sick? While I was sick I was very much so deprived of all forms of sugar, and now that I'm mostly better, my body neeeeeds it!!! ;-) Actually, though I was kidding, I'm also kind of serious. My body does *think* it needs it... I'm going to get back on my sugar promise also. Starting...once I finish off my two boxes of Mike and Ikes and eat the last 3 cookies I have sitting on my kitchen table. ;-D yes, yes...I know...shame on me!

another new craving:

Mmm! Mmmm! Mmmmm!!!!! I can't get enough of these.

Another reason to cloth diaper:

Isn't this baby's bum so much cuter than other baby's disposable-diaper-clad bums??

photo source: dearbabyblog.com

Diaper score!

Tonight I bought 2 newborn diaper covers off of ebay. I'm especially excited about these covers because... a) they're cute. But mainly I'm excited for reason b)....they were so stinkin cheap!!! I only paid $9.00 for each of them! (That's a $3.75 savings!) I couldn't decide between the yellow and white one or the white and yellow one...so yes...I bought both. :-} I have issues, I know. ;-)

Sadly, the ebay store I bought them through was out of this adorable green print. I'm hoping they get more in stock soon...because I want it!!!

Maybe tomorrow my diaper cover order (that I placed last week) will arrive...I hope so! I'm excited to get them and see how cute and tiny they are!!!

For those of you who are curious about my final diapering decisions, I decided (after muuuuucccch research) to use disposable diapers for the first two weeks (just cuz I don't want to deal with the staining meconium poo and his/hers belly button), after that I'll use diaper covers (like these) with a prefold (the old cloth diapering style our grandmothers use to use!) until he/she is a chunky monkey and can fit into the pocket diapers better. (So probably for 3-4 months...?) After the baby grows out of the diaper covers, it'll upgrade to the pocket diapers, which we'll use until it's time to potty train!!!

I'm excited beyond excited to FINALLY be done with the research of diapers and now be in the "fun" phase where I get to just buy all these diapers! I've already got quiet the collection of pocket diapers (with 22 designed ones on the way...went crazy on ebay...again...head hung in shame...) and some prefolds and covers on their way to me now (hopefully they arrive tomorrow!) I'm almost done with all my diaper buying (hallelujah!) I just have to buy a couple more covers and I'll be set!

Yay for almost being done thinking about diapers!!!