
Monday, March 7, 2011

Confesion: I cheated on my sugar promise

Today I reweighed myself. I've decided to stop weighing myself daily, and only weigh in once a week. I don't think studying the scale is going to do me much good other than disappoint me.

I'm down one pound from the other day, but still up one from my -3 lost. Oh well. I realized today, that any weight weight loss while being pregnant is exciting. But I really should probably not be expecting to see much weight loss results while being pregnant. I decided I should be thrilled that I'm not +5 right now! I remanded myself that I am supposed to be gaining about a pound a week, and so far in the past 2 months, I've only gained ...3? maybe 4 pounds? So I'm still doing pretty good. My goal with TTAPing shouldn't be to lose weight, but mainly get back into shape.

I did 11 minutes of TTAPing tonight. It was pretty difficult today, because my legs really hurt. (Last night I had terrible leg cramps and my legs still feel the ache today...)

It's amazing how much TTAP helps with the common pregnancy woes. Such as: back aches and sore hips. These were my two biggest pregnancy complaints, and since I've been TTAPing, my hips have only hurt...once? Versus hurting every night and every morning? And while my back does still bug me at times, it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it used to. Not to mention, I've noticed this week (since I've been sewing a lot, for some reason sewing really causes my back to ache) that if I start TTAPing while my back is bothering me, the back pains immediately go away and I feel so good after the exercising is over.

Today began my new week of no sugars. I will admit: I broke down and ate two girl scout cookies. :-( But I ate them right before I TTAPed, so that means I've already burned their poisonous little sugar effects off. Right? ;-) I've got a sweet tooth tonight, so after this post, I'm going to go kill that desire with a nice crisp and juicy apple.

I'm off to dry skin brush and take a hot bath.

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