
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My mom is the bestest mom ever

Today my mom came over and spent the entire day updating my computer for me. She also downloaded this super cool program called “Live writer.” (Basically, it’s a way to blog while being offline)  Now, I can upload a buttload of pictures to my blog in just a few minutes, rather than straight through blogger and have it take hours.

Woot woot!

It literally took all day though. Who would have thought that downloading one small little program could take all day. Well it did. Apparently our computer was in dire need of some updates. Updates that give you the warning, “This might take several hours. Please don’t use the computer while this is downloading.”


So, my amazing mom came over this morning…started upload #1. Came back an hour later to start upload #2. Came back an hour later to start upload #3. Came back an hour later to upload Live Writer.

But now it’s done Smile <----- :-0 Do you see that?!!? Look what this awesome program can do!!!!

And it can do this   tooWhoa!!

Best. Mom. Ever.



Did you notice that she also hacked my blog? Like I said: best. mom. ever.


Winking smile

My mother cont…

She really is amazing! I love you Mama!

My mother

My mom is the most amazing person in the world! When I grow up I want to be just like her!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bodey's new toy

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The other day I bought a $25 diaper.

I could have bought 2 packs of 'sposies for that price.

But golly, isn't it a cute one??
In my defense (I've been beating myself up for this all weekend...) this is a limited edition Charlie Banana diaper. I've been looking for it since before Bodey was even born. Seriously.

And now, I...Shyloh Bauman am the proud owner of one of these lovelies. (A moment of "wowwww...") (And now, back to the $25 "oh my word-ness...") I know. Shame on me.

I will regret it...until it shows up in my mail box later on this week. :)

Now, I just need one of these:

Monday, August 22, 2011

4 months!

2 years ocean trip ♥

We went to Monterey for the day to celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary. It was so nice getting away, we never go anywhere special just us two...well, plus Bodey of course. It was a lot of fun. :)

It was 63(I think) degrees and very foggy and dreary out, but it was beautiful. We just bundled up in our sweatshirts and enjoyed the day.

Bodey enjoyed the ride there--he loves his new toy. And apparently that handsome dude staring back at him must be pretty funny, cuz he and him had some pretty comical conversations on the way.

However, he hated the beach. Even though it was overcasty, there was an incredible glare on the sand. He pulled an "Uncle Shiro" and refused to open his eyes. He spent the 4 hours we we were on the beach laying on his belly, with his hoody on, sucking on his binky and complaining. Finally he took a nap, and thankfully, when he woke up, the glare was gone.

I wish I could say he woke up happy and decided he loved the ocean...but that would be a lie. I think he pretty much hated the whole day. After his nap, his newest complaint was the breeze. He kept gasping to catch his breath and it just wasn't working for him.

This is what he thought of the day:

He'd better just get over it! We are a beach bum family, and unfortunately for Mister B, he goes where we go. ;-)

We are hoping to go back next month to stay the night. I'll start looking for some baby sunglasses now. :)

♥ Two year anniversary ♥

Two years ago yesterday I married my best friend.

One year ago yesterday we came home from celebrating our one year, to surprise Jeff with this:

This is what we have accomplished in two years:

I think we did pretty good :)

I love you honey!! I can't wait to see what the rest of our many years together hold!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Car Soundtrack

Bodey and I ran a few errands this afternoon with my mom and Shiro. The boys did great on the drive out to Turlock and fantastic while we were running our errands. But by the time our stops were over...they were done.

This is a snippit of the "soundtrack" we listened to while driving home:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Such a boy--my little tree hugger

Bodey is already such a little boy. He loves being outside ("Loves" with a capital "L.") Its so cute to see him enjoy the outdoors at such a young age.

For the past few week I've been trying to sit outside with him for a little while every afternoon. I want to raise Bodey (being a boy, it won't be hard...) to love being outside. I want him to prefer being outside over doing anything inside. But not only do I want him to like being outside, I want to teach him to appreciate nature and to care and protect it.

Yes, I want to raise Bodey to be a little tree hugger. ;-)

This is the world that Jesus gave us, and I really feel strongly that it is our duty to take care of and protect what He has given us. Its our jobs to raise our children to also feel the same way, that way they can try to preserve what is being damaged for our future children, grandchildren, great-grand children...

Today we spent a while soaking in some afternoon sun with his Mimi while watching his aunties run around. And later this evening we enjoyed the evening breeze together with his Daddy. Its fun bonding time; sitting outside under the big tree swinging in the hammock chair, and soaking in some much needed vitamin d...very relaxing too. :)

On a random side note: Its a Thursday and we had no plans today...notice that he's actually wearing real clothes!! Whoa!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How crunchy are you quiz?

Today someone on facebook posted a fun little quiz. Hop on over to my mom's blog to take the How crunchy are you? quiz. Leave your score as a comment on this post. ;-) I was 190. Eeek!

Mister B

random 492 random 494 random 495 random 483 random 485 random 490 random 491