
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Girls night out, hottness, Daddy's shadow

Bodey slept in his own bed last night for the 1st time ever. I had hoped he would wake up in the middle of the night so I could bring him back in bed with me, and was very sad when I woke this morning at 5 to him waking up. :( I brought him back to bed with me and we snuggled for an hour before getting up. Tonight I'm waking him. I need him to sleep with me. Sleep is sweeter with him by me...

We were up early. Way too early. So we napped this afternoon :) My house is in shambles. This is 2 days of accomplishing absolutely nothing. But, the highlight of the day is Bodey got TWO baths today. So I guess I did accomplish something.

This afternoon was a scorcher. Tonight (at 11:00) our house is still in the 90's. Yuck.

Bodey spent the afternoon being his daddy's little shadow. He read books with his daddy, played cars with his daddy and even played guitar with Daddy. I'd say B had a pretty awesome day.

Tonight I went on a girls' night/say goodbye to Shelbie evening. Shaylah, Shelbie and I went and saw the Avengers together. It was a lot of fun. We ate way too much popcorn, got into a popcorn fight, had our soda (er...had my soda bottle...) expload ALL OVER the poor kid sitting next to me (who practically climbed into his girl friend's lap trying to escape it...wimp.) and ended the evening at Cold Stones. Where we left wondering if we just got a super duper great deal from the stupid cashier, or if all 3 of us girls are idiots who can't figure out their math facts. Either way, we're pretty stoked *thinking* we got a good deal.

Now I am back at home. I just took an icy cold bath. And I still feel hot and clammy and disgustingly hot. Tomorrow we are meeting with our midwife. So I need to head to bed so I can get up bright and early and actually DO HOUSEWORK (*gasp!*) before we leave.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Round ligament pains, Daddy duty & hot hot hot

Today I woke up with some horrible round ligament pains. They happen pretty much once a month, or ever few weeks. They're much worse this time around than with Bodey. Usually, I end up spending the day in bed. :( Which is what I did today. I should have taken a belly picture today...because I'm sure tomorrow or the next day I'll suddenly explode even bigger. That's usually what happens when I get these pains...

Bodey ate pretzels today. When Jeff told me this I said, "He doesn't eat pretzels!" Jeff calmly said, "He does now." Um.... haha! I guess thats what happens when Daddy is on duty for the day!

B was in a delightful mood today. Which is a fun change. ;-)

Our house was SO hot. I think I heatburned in bed. (Same thing as a sunburn...only with heat not sun.) Tomorrow I am going swimming. I'm gonna do it!!!!

^^ Ha. Yea right.

*eye roll*

I'm off to eat the last of my ice cream and go to bed. Early bedtime?? Sounds good to meeee!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bike rides, storytime, organizing and softball games

Today we went on our weekly Tuesday bike ride to Mimi's house. Then we went on a walk to the library for story time. I thumbed through baby name books while Bodey chilled in his little push car and watched story time.

This afternoon Bodey played ball with his daddy, learned how to build block towers and read books with me. I spent the afternoon trying to organize....trying being the key word.

Tonight we went to watch Shaylah's softball team's game. Poor Shaylah. Watching her team play is torture. Hopefully she heals up in time to play one more game before season is over.

Bodey went down easy tonight. I was able to take a nice hot bath--which was interrupted by my brother pounding on my front door unexpectedly. :-/ Now I'm blogging, gonna go rummage for some food and then head to bed.

Monday, May 28, 2012

A picture is worth a thousand words


Set up Bodey's crib. He hates it.

But, apparently he LOVESSS his mimi's baked beans.

How smart is he?!? Putting his balls in his gumball machine!

Melt my heart.
Nothing more adorable than watching him scoot his cars around on the floor.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cranky baby, uncooked zuchini and lunch with friends

No picture for today. I forgot to take any. ;-)

Last night was a rough night. Bodey was awake for 4 hours fussing. I think its almost time for him to be transfered into his own bed. I would love to get a few full nights of sleep before I start over with a new little squish on the "up-every-2-hours" schedule. :-(

Bodey woke up this morning a cranky little monster. Oh my word. What a grouch. We still aren't sure what his problem was. He went back down for a nap around 9ish and woke up at noon in a much better mood.

This afternoon we went with my family to someone's house for lunch. Jeff grew up with the couple's boys, so he had fun catching up with them and seeing their new families.

Funny story : I asked my dad last night what we could bring today for lunch. He called his buddy to find out and ater talking for a few minutes he says, "Um...he said bring nothing, but then mentioned zuchini..." So Jeff and I were planning on bringing zuchini... uncooked (since we didn't know what they were serving, we didn't know what form they'd want the zuchini in) zuchini. All morning we talked about how embarrassing it was going to be walking into this family's house holding a bag of uncooked zuchini so we eventually ended up just bringing french bread instead. And thankgoodness we did. Durning lunch, my dad apparently mentioned to his friend that we didn't know how they wanted the zuchini served, so that's why we skipped it and brought bread instead. I guess his friend stared at him blankly and said, "Zuchini?! Who mentioned zuchini??!" Needless to say, I am so glad we didn't bring zuchini!

It was a lovely afternoon, filled with some amazing food, sweet tea and desert. The baby boys played on their lawn, the kiddos swam, Jeff caught up with his old friends and us ladies hung out.

Tonight Bodey was a grouch again. Turns out he was hungry. Poor little dude.

I spent the evening planning out my day tomorrow (starting spring cleaning!), making a "to-do" list for the next several months, talking organization with my mom and making shopping lists. When Jeff got home from college group we ran to walmart to grab a few things then headed home. Jeff is getting B to bed now, I'm finalizing some lists and wonder... What do we have to eat?? Then we are both headed to bed. Hoping to get a good nights sleep tonight!

P.S please forgive me if there are any misspelled words in here. My spell checker won't work for me tonight. :(

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gardening, dirt tasting, learning...

Jeff took Bodey this morning and let me sleep in. It was wonderful.

This afternoon we went and bought our kitchen window (YAY!) finally found my yellow squash plant I've been searching high and low for, bought more dirt, got Starbucks coffees--half off! Bought a few cute pots to plant my squash in and then went home to start on the garden again.

Jeff slaved away on the pallet garden this afternoon. Who knew a pallet garden would be so difficult!? So far we have planted 4 different types of tomatoes (2 being cherry tomato varieties!) yellow squash, zucchini and jalapenos. I still want to plant a few more tomatoes, cilantro and a whole bunch of herbs.

Bodey discovered dirt today, and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He was fascinated by the texture of both the dirt and the plants. (he kept stroking the squash leaves!) He even did a few sample tastes of the dirt. I think he enjoyed it...because we had a hard time keeping him from eating it.

At one point, Jeff was hammering on the pallets while Bodey sat by watching intently. Finally he crawled over, grabbed a tool and started pounding on the pallets with his daddy. So sweet! :)

We called it quits when it started dumping rain! Hoping to finish the last few things tomorrow :)

For now, Bodey is asleep. Jeff and I are going to watch "Chronicles of Narnia" while stuffing diapers and eating chocolate ice cream with pretzels in it and maybe some Hummus on the side... <---totally a pregnant woman's craving, right?!

Bodey discovers the garden hose :)

Bodey discovers the garden hose

Friday, May 25, 2012

Broken bones, shopping, gardening

Shaylah broke her collar bone today. :(

Shelbie, my mom and I went shopping with my Aunt DeeDee to get some necessities for Shelbie's trip. She leaves in ...13(?) days. Whoa.

Jeff helped me start my pallet garden this afternoon. Its coming along nicely, except for one horribly sick looking tomato plant :(

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sleeping in, naptime, sunshine and chilling

Bodey let me sleep in til 9 today--what a good boy! And even better yet, he let me nap with him this afternoon. :)

After we got up from our nap we went outside and spent a few hours working on my new pallet garden. Bodey played with the garden hose while Jeff slaved away working on my pallet boxes and I sat in the shade sweating.

After that, we came inside and spent a while just being lazy. It felt good to just be lazy after a hot afternoon working in the sun.

Tonight Bodey and I went for a bike ride to his Mimi's house. We met up with the rest of my family at my grandparents and had company biking to my parents house. Bodey enjoyed seeing his crazy aunts and uncles biking alongside him.

Later this evening Amanda came over with chocolate brownie ice cream and a movie. We sacked out on my couch and watched the stupidest movie ever. It was fun though. ;-)

Tomorrow I'm going shopping with my sisters, mom and aunt! Yay! So i'm off to bed, we're leaving at 8:45--eek. Gotta get up and be ready early.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Craving fruit...eating a brownie.

I am majorly craving some delicious juicy fruits or a smoothie. Of course, I have neither in my house right now. >:-( So I am going to have to settle for a brownie. (and believe me, this is a bummer...) I'm glad its the last brownie in the house though...I've had waaay too many in the past few days!

This morning my mom and I went to a friend's house to get some "Parenting-young-babies" tips/refresher courses. These little boys had no idea what was coming when we left the house this morning. ;-) By this time next week, you had better bet your bottom dollar they are going to know what the word "No" means--and they'll obey it too! (insert wicked laugh...just kidding! just kidding!)

Tonight Amanda came over. Finally. Stupid school has been taking up all her time recently. And I've been feeling very unloved lately. *sniff sniff*

My feet are killing me today. Thanks to my brilliant PedEgging over the past few nights. Apparently you aren't supposed to use it so often and furiously that your whole heel shines a pretty pink color. (poor new baby skin!) Needless to say, tonight I will not be using my Ped Egg. :-/

Seems like today had more exciting points to highlite. But I can't think of anything. Probably because I am overly tired...

I'm going to go to bed and catch some Zzzzz!

P.S...what's up with B's face in this pict?!?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Emotional day. Naughty boy. Sweet tea.

Today was kind of a bad day. I was woken up abruptly and rudely--by being bit that is. Which followed several more bites. Then for the next few hours was followed by screaming and crying. Someone is obviously teething. Time to get the 2nd baltic amber necklace back on him. Someone please slap me for having taken it off of him yesterday.

By 10am today little dude had already succeeded in making me cry. That might be a new goal.

We went to story time today--not because Bodey deserved it, but because *I* needed to get out and get some fresh air. Of course, once we left the house Mr Grumpy turned into Mr Happy. >:-(

I spent the afternoon moping, crying and whining at my mom's house. She served me very sweet sweet tea (I had probably 5 glasses...it was so yummy...we shall see how I sleep tonight. Eeek!)

Someone came out to look at the dryer today and declared that the problem lies within the dryer. So now he is researching quick/cheap fixes. Otherwise, I'll begin dryer shopping :(

I got some pallets today to start my pallet garden which makes me so happy.

I'm finishing up knitting a few kitchen sponges then I am heading to bed.

*here's to hoping for a happier, less emotional day tomorrow...*

Monday, May 21, 2012

Today--a real post. Broken Dryer, hair highlights & sleeping in

My sweet hubby let me sleep in today until 10!! He got up with Bodey at 7 and kept him quiet so I could keep snoozing. What a man!!

When I got up (and Jeff went back to bed...hehe!!) I started laundry and to my dismay discovered our dryer keeps throwing a breaker. We've been tripping it all day trying to dry our load of laundry and it keeps going out. :( Please send prayers our way that its something easy AND CHEAP to fix. I'm super disappointed.

After Bodey woke from nap, we went shopping with my mom and Aunt DeeDee. We went swimsuit shopping--which is hard to do when trying to find something to fit a big belly. :-/ And apparently I'm picky... Say what?? Needless to say, I came home without a swimsuit.

We hung out at my mom's so that the house could be quiet while Jeff snoozed a bit longer--I'm really tired of his night job :( Can't wait til he gets a day job again.

This afternoon my mom got brave and had me put some colored highlights in her hair for Shiro--who LOVES playing with his mama's hair. I think it looks awesome! And apparently Shiro loves it too :)

I guess I will be spending my evening outside tripping the dryer breaker. Since I really really need this load of laundry to dry before tomorrow. :( Ugh. Pray for my dryer!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Busy days

We've been crazy busy. Life slows down tomorrow. For now, here's a peek at our past few days.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Short sweet & to the point

Another short, sweet and to the point post:

Shelbie graduated today!!!!!!!

I took a nap this afternoon.

Bodey and I went for a walk with his new toy--he loved it.

Jeff made brownies. And I'm gonna go eat one.

Then I'm going to bed.

Graduation party tomorrow night!! Woot Woot!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jeff ate the last bit of my ice cream :-(

I'm tired and need to go to bed. So this post will be short and sweet and to the point. (The pictures say it all anyways. It was a happy day. Minus the whole flower in the hair incident...)

Jeff ate the last scoop of my chocolate brownie ice cream today. And I'm not very happy about that. :( I'm craving chocolate ice cream and pretzels...and alas, my craving will not be fulfilled.

Goodnight ya'll.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Peepee puddles, bike rides, grocery shopping, softball games

^^ Diaper free FAIL today! ^^

Went on a bike ride to my parents today so we could all walk to storytime. We only have one more week (maybe two?) until they take summer break, so we are going to enjoy these last few weeks! Bodey loves his bike rides. He squeals the entire time.

We went grocery shopping this afternoon. We are going to be eating a lot of pasta dishes for the next few weeks. (Pasta salads--nice and summery!)

We had Shaylah's softball game tonight. It was hot, Bodey was super tired and kept nodding off. I forgot to bring a baby carrier *GASP* so he rode in the basket of the stroller while Shiro rode up in front. I think Bodey enjoyed it. ;-)

I'm craving chocolate brownie icecream with crushed up pretzels on top. I'm trying to fight the craving...but thinking I might give in...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Today in a nutshell

Bodey was in a fabulous mood today.

Here is what our day looked like : Wake up. Eat breakfast. Do chores. Play in the playroom. Have some piggy back ride time. Play outside. Tried taking a nap 3x before finally having success. Wake up. Eat some more. Go on a bike ride. Pulled Shiro's hair. Ate some cheerios. Ate some dinner. Went to a Pampered Chef's party. Ate some delicious mango. Got carried around by a whole bunch of people. Came home. Went back to bed.

I think it was a good day.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's day 2012

The happy parts of today looked like this:

(Sharing watermelon with his bestest buddy)

 (Playing boche ball with Daddy)

I will save you all the heartache of seeing the not so happy parts of the day. Apparently Bodey missed the "Its mother's day, lets be nice to mama" memo. He decided to pick a battle today, which he most definitely won. Little stinker. We are starting boot camp tomorrow, because his 'tude is not acceptable.

We spent the day with my family. On the spur of the moment we decided to call our sweet Garcia family and invite them over, which was much fun. The dudes all played croquet and boche ball, while us ladies worked on pretty decorations for Shelbie's upcoming graduation party.

We had a bbq this afternoon--hotdogs, chips and the most amazing watermelon ever. Shiro and Bodey shared a plate--which they each took turns licking clean. (We got some awesome action picts of that!)

Bodey grouched all night. He is one tired boy--two days in a row without a nap. We are breaking this streak tomorrow. He got a taste of chocolate cake tonight--much to the dismay of his mama. Someone (won't say who... *ahem--cough cough* Mr. *cough* Garcia *cough*) Dropped a piece of cake crumbs into his highchair tray without my knowing, and before I knew what was happening Bodey lightening fast snatched it up and shoved it in his mouth. However! He did not get the chance to enjoy it, as my reaction scared him terribly and he spent the next 10 minutes crying so heart brokenly. Beware next person who tries to feed my child sugar...You will die by the wrath of my hands... I will be ever vigilent and alert from here on out... Dum dum dum dummmmm...

Bodey crashed within 3 minutes of his head touching his bed tonight. I'm thinking a movie and a back massage sounds nice. Now if only I can weasel a massage out of Jeff...

Best texting conversation ever:

Me: (trying to scheme up a good way to get Jeff to give me permission to buy a new baby carrier)

Me: hey, Bodey mentioned earlier he wanted to buy me a new carrier for mothers day.

Jeff: oh really? And where does he plan on getting the money for that?

Me: we'll that's why I mentioned it to you. He was hoping I could ask you if you would loan him the money. He's too nervous to ask himself. He said he could pay it back in 12 years when he starts mowing lawns.

Jeff: {lol}

....a few hours later...

Me: ummm, bodey just told me he did buy me a carrier for mothers day. Were you aware of this?

Jeff: no. Not at all.

Me: Uh oh. You might want to talk to him then... He said he thought itd be okay since your check was good this pay period. I guess we really need to talk to him about assuming things.

Jeff: Yeah, I'll talk to him

Me: Don't punish him though. Because its really sweet of him. Maybe just encourage him to talk to you before using your PayPal account.

Jeff: lol (hoping that I'm just kidding...)

........ ;-)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sleep in day, baby shower, grouchy boy, shopping

Today was my sleep in day. I woke up at 9 and could not go back to sleep. I'm pretty irritated about wasting my sleep in day.

We had a baby shower this afternoon. Bodey was a grump. He didn't nap. at. all. today. eeek. You can only imagine how grouchy he is tonight...

After the baby shower we went to Toys R Us and bought the little dudes some cute little wagon type cars. (The ones that look like Cozy Coupe cars, only we can push them in it like a wagon.) They will be shipped to my house. And I'm not gonna lie, that will be one fun mail day.

We went home, did some yard work (Well, more like my family did yard work, I walked in circles and pretended to be busy...) And I spent the afternoon toting my very grumpy boy around. Thankfully I got a Starbucks coffee today, so his grouchiness couldn't touch my happy coffee buzz.

Tonight we went shopping with my parents. We got Shelbie's graduation gift (EEK! she graduates next week!!) I got a pair of maternity shorts and we basically strolled around aimlessly for 3 hours.

We came home and sat around a bonfire for a very short while before we had to go home with Mr Grouchy bug. (Who by the way fell right asleep!)

I'm looking forward to my back massage that Jeff owes me tonight. And my bowl of chocolate brownie ice cream with pretzel pieces in it. Yumm!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Today...errands, errands, errands & a picnic

Today was a long day. I was up at 6:00 with the little dude and been going allllll day ever since.

We had a ton of errands to run today and a picnic this evening. We left at 11am and just got home.

Tomorrow I get to sleep in. :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

obimama = amazingness. Sleeping in, taking a nap, softball games

My obimama came today, and its as amazing as I thought and hoped it would be!!!!

Today was a much cooler day than the past few days. Its the first day in a week that I haven't thought "I AM GONNA DIE IN THIS HEAT!" Our house didn't even go over the 80o mark. Woot woot!!

Bodey let me sleep til 8 today, which is a lovely surprise. And was even better when he went down for a nap 2 hours later and let me snooze with him. :)

Tonight we went to Shaylah's softball game. The breeze was lovely. Bodey munched on carrots and was a smiling ham to everyone around. Afterwards we went to Home Fellowship to celebrate our last week before Summer break.

Bodey is asleep now. I am starving and scrounging for food. And tired. :) Bedtime soon!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Midwife appointment, Happy bday Mama! swimming and gf dinner

Today I had an appointment with my midwife. The baby moved too much so we didn't get a heartbeat count. My blood pressure is weird. (It always is..."weird" is my normal...) Baby is sunny side up, which explains why I've been thinking this baby has no bum, back or head--only limbs ;-) Lucinda is pleased with how things are going.

After the appointment we went to my parent's house to wish my mama a happy birthday. Then we ran a few errands.

We ate macaroni and cheese for lunch--which was much too hot to eat on a day like today. We should have had watermellon soup or something...

Bodey ate an entire banana and made SUCH a mess. So after his lunch we went outside and let him swim for a while.

I took a nap this afternoon, which was so wonderful.

Tonight we went to Mimi & Stupda's house to celebrate Mimi's birthday. We had gluten free dinner (minus the cheerio coated chicken...since Shelbie didn't want to use bread crumbs (gluten). BWAHAHAHA! My sister is a dork.) Sorry, I had to blog that story, since she made me promise not to facebook it. ;-) And we ended the evening with gluten free cake (Suprisingly good!) and icecream.

Bodey is in bed asleep. I'm going to finish blogging, check my emails and then go do some devotions and take a very cold bath. Because my house is still sooo hot. :( Ugghhh...

Oh and PS tomorrow is gonna be an amazing mail day. (Didn't I say this yesterday? If I did...I was wrong. Stupid post office...)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So. So. Hot. Bikerides, library, walks, softball games

Today looked like this:

Bodey and I were up early. Too early...

We got ready, ate breakfast and went on a bike ride while it was still cool. We walked down to the library with my family for story time. (Can you tell Bodey loves storytime?!) Then we walked back home. I thought I was going to die. I don't know how i'm going to survive this summer...its already SO hot. I made my mom drive us home, and Shaylah had to ride my bike home. :-}

The low of the day was discovering our bank account is overdrawn. :( Stupid itunes for taking 5 days for a payment to go through! GRRR.

Tonight we went to Shaylah's soft ball game. We all painted turtles on our faces. Guess what? Apparently face paint stains...  Shaylah's team won. Which is good, because if they lost I would have killed her. At least them winning made it somewhat worth it to sit outside in the boiling heat with no shade for 3 long hours.

Bodey had his first taste of meat and bread tonight. We had chicken salad sandwiches and I gave him a few pieces. He thoroughly enjoyed it...

I'm going to go do a devotional and then head to bed. I gotta get up way too early tomorrow. Again. :( I miss sleeping in...

bike rides, laundry, dishes, and life

I almost forgot to blog...

Today I got up early and went for a bike ride with Bodey. It was still nice and cool outside. I went shopping with my mom and when I got back, I realized it was much too hot to bike ride home. Shannen rode my bike home...my mom drove me home. ;-)

I did laundry, I did dishes, I went through clothes and got rid of an entire wardwrobe of stuff. Bodey has officially upgraded to TWO dresser drawers! I can't believe it...

Made many many to-do lists today. Lots to do this month. Busy busy busy.

Tomorrow is storytime.

I am hungry. Which is weird, I ate everything in sight tonight. I should not be hungry!

Bodey had a bath tonight, and surprisingly he did not enjoy it. He was cranky and tired. :( Usually he loves his baths.

Off to bed so I can get up on time to get to storytime with B!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy birthday Jeff!

Happy Birthday to Jeff!!! Today we went to 1st service. When Bodey got loud, my mom took him out so I could actually sit through an entire church service. After church, Jeff, Bodey and I went to the Bass Pro Shop and Old Navy. Bodey was fascinated with the fish tank at Bass Pro shop. We ended the outting with Starbucks' new Cookie Crumble drink. After we got home from Mantica I made an icecream sandwich cake and we headed over to my parents house. Jeff opened gifts, we ate cake and half the family went on a bike ride.

Bodey refused to nap today, so we've been dealing with a grouchy bug for the later half of the afternoon/evening. Poor little dude has 2 battle wounds on his face. A giant bruise from last night and a scraped nose from today. I gotta keep him away from Studpa and Mimi's house apparently...

Jeff and I are gonna wind down tonight by watching a movie. A weird one I've never heard of. Its a kid movie and its weird animation, so we'll see how long I last til I fall asleep ;-)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

2hrs of sleep, Bodey & Shiro's bday party, tomorrow's plans

Couldn't sleep last night. So today I am running on 2 hours of sleep. I'm so tired.

Tonight was Bodey and Shiro's combined birthday party. They had a cake made entirely out of fruit. I think its safe to say they both loved it.

Tomorrow is Jeff's birthday. I'm hoping we get up for 1st service, so we can get home early, I can make his icecream cake and we can go walk through the ceres street fair. And maybe even go to the bass pro shop??

We are trying to get a cranky and overly tired little boy to sleep. Once he's asleep, its our turn. We're gonna curl up in bed and fall asleep watching a Disney movie!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Discovery Kingdom

We went to Discovery Kingdom today. The weather wasn't terrible. A few degrees warmer would have been nice, but it was nice that it wasn't boiling hot either! Bodey did pretty good today. It was a long day for him. He fought sleep forever, and when he finally did fall asleep we didn't get to walk through the shark exibit. I was so excited for him to see the sharks and he missed them :( I'm super super disapointed. We need to go back soon.

I am exhausted and dehydrated with a headache. Tomorrow is a big day, lots to do. We are trying to get a hyper little boy (being cooped up in a stroller all day really winds you up at night!) so we can go to bed and get up at a decent time tomorrow!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I got an Obimama todayyy!!!!!!!!!!!! And I didn't have to sell any of mine, Jeff or Bodey's kidneys! Woot Woot!! I. am. so. beyond. excited. Now it needs to HURRY and ship!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow we are going to 6flags. I'm super excited. I think Bodey is gonna LOVE seeing all the animals! I was expecting hot weather, but apparently its going to be 66... we'll see tomorrow whether or not thats a good or bad thing! ;-)

Lots to do tonight and gotta get up early tomorrow :( I'd better scoot!

Oh! but real quick....

Isn't it beeeaaautifullll?!?!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bike ride, munchies, easy bedtimes for Bodey!!!

Today Jeff and I went on a bike ride with Bodey. We went to the grocery store to get some babyfood. We didn't think through the fact that the ride home would be an extra 30lbs in the bike trailer. Blec. That was not fun!!

I have major munchies tonight and have nothing but macaroni salad and icecream here. I'm getting a little burnt out on macaroni salad (I've had it probably 20x in the past 4 days!) So I ate more icecream. I need to make some more. This homemade stuff is the bomb.

Bodey went right to sleep again tonight. Nights have been SUPER easy lately. (I hope I didn't just jinx myself... :-/)

Waiting for Jeff to text so I can go to bed.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

B's first bike ride, library, baseball games, binkies!

Got up at 8:30 today. I took Bodey on his first bike ride. He loved it; he squealed the whole time. We went on a walk to the library for storytime, then bike rode home again.

I feel good after working out so much today. I am going to sleep gooood tonight!

Tonight we went to watch Shaylah play her first baseball game. It was freezing cold, I was totally unprepared for cold weather.

I bought Bodey a different type of binky today. He takes it!!!!!!!! YAY.

I need to find a before-bed snack before I head off to bed.