
Monday, May 21, 2012

Today--a real post. Broken Dryer, hair highlights & sleeping in

My sweet hubby let me sleep in today until 10!! He got up with Bodey at 7 and kept him quiet so I could keep snoozing. What a man!!

When I got up (and Jeff went back to bed...hehe!!) I started laundry and to my dismay discovered our dryer keeps throwing a breaker. We've been tripping it all day trying to dry our load of laundry and it keeps going out. :( Please send prayers our way that its something easy AND CHEAP to fix. I'm super disappointed.

After Bodey woke from nap, we went shopping with my mom and Aunt DeeDee. We went swimsuit shopping--which is hard to do when trying to find something to fit a big belly. :-/ And apparently I'm picky... Say what?? Needless to say, I came home without a swimsuit.

We hung out at my mom's so that the house could be quiet while Jeff snoozed a bit longer--I'm really tired of his night job :( Can't wait til he gets a day job again.

This afternoon my mom got brave and had me put some colored highlights in her hair for Shiro--who LOVES playing with his mama's hair. I think it looks awesome! And apparently Shiro loves it too :)

I guess I will be spending my evening outside tripping the dryer breaker. Since I really really need this load of laundry to dry before tomorrow. :( Ugh. Pray for my dryer!

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