
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Double Dedications!

On Sunday we got the boys dedicated. I bet Pastor Rob has never done a double dedication before! ;-)

It was really special to do it together. It’s fun watching the boys as they take various milestones together.

I just know they are going to be best friends!! :)

bodey B 166 bodey B 177 bodey B 180

I love this picture of the four of us!!

bodey B 188

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Patch!!

Today my mom and I took all the kiddos to the pumpkin patch!

We had a picnic lunch, and spent the afternoon catching minnows in the fish pond, trying to work up the nerve to go in the dark creepy hay maze (which we never did do) and looked at all the animals.

And of course, we took a bajillion and one photos.  I’m sure my mom will post pictures from our day on her blog. I didn’t want to spend an hour waiting for all the cute ones to upload! ;-)

So I’m only posting a few of the boys. They are so adorable. I have no pictures hanging on my walls of my house yet, but I’m defiantly going to be printing up one of these for my barren walls soon!!

Aren’t they just sooooo cute??!!

bodey B 149 bodey B 150 bodey B 151 bodey B 220

How many boys does it take to walk Maycie?

 bodey B 192bodey B 193bodey B 223bodey B 222bodey B 191   bodey B 218 

Answer: Two strong strapin’ young lads.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Slumber party that wasn’t

Two nights ago we sat down for dinner at my parent’s kitchen table. As everyone was settling themselves in their seats, I started looking around and realized that everyone had these cute little cards next to their plates with their names written on them. Everyone that is, except Jeff and I.

All my snobby siblings secretly cracked their cards open and peeked inside. With little giggles and meaningful glances going around the kitchen table I knew that I was being left out of something. And judging by how they were all acting…I knew it must have been good.

After I pried one of the cute little cards from a siblings sticky grasp, I ripped it open and was crushed to read the following:

You are invited:

To a Slumber Party in Mama and Daddy’s room!

When: Saturday night

R.S.V.P. to Mama or Daddy

Be there or be square!


It was made clear rather quickly, that Jeff nor I were invited. *sniff sniff*

The next two days were spent listening to all my siblings ooh and aww over all the fun they were planning on having. Visions of movies, ice cream and pillow fights clouded their sight.

At first, I’m not gonna lie. I was a bit jealous. My mom tried to comfort me by explaining why we weren’t invited. But it was a lame reason to not invite us. And it didn’t comfort me at all.

But after a few hours of feeding my sorrow, I decided not to let them get the best of me. I decided that Jeff and I would have some mad fun of our own…we would have our OWN little slumber party at our own house. And guess what? None of them were invited.

We were going to eat ice cream, watch a movie, eat ice cream, have a pillow fight, eat ice cream, eat more ice cream and have more fun than they could ever dream of having.

Sooo, last night finally arrives. The big slumber party. Jeff and I were kicked out around 8, so that they could begin their party without us. But that was okay with us, we were gonna have our own crazy fun.

We got home, put Bodey to bed, started our movie and served up our 1st bowl of ice cream.

….10 minutes later…. “snoooooorrreeeeeee.”

……20 minutes later…. (Jeff, waking up) “Um, I’m gonna go to bed. I’m already falling asleep no sense fighting it.”

So, the rest of the evening was me.

Having a one man slumber party.

And oooh boy, was it ever fun.

Just me. Myself. And I.

And lemme tell you….I’m a real kick in the pants.

What a party.

Oh yesssss family, be so jealous of all the fun I had. And keep me and all my funness in mind for the next time you plan a slumber party. ;-)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen…

THIS is why you should balance your checkbooks.


Please learn from my mistakes.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fashion Show

Oh yes. This really did happen.

Sorry that its turned sideways. I’m not sure how to fix that Sad smile

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What is this world coming too?

This picture makes me sad.


Why do we think that its okay to make something as dangerous as vaccines into a candy for kids. What kind of message does that send to our youth? We might as well make candied heroine syringes as well.

Yum. Eat up kids.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why I love fall

Written by: Shyloh Bauman                                        October 4, 2011

My mom finally gave me a blogging topic. I feel like I’m back in 3rd grade, writing in my journal about banana peels. (Remember those writing topics? “Write a story about a talking banana peel.” Reallly?? Is that the best you can come up with??)

Anyways, my topic is “Why I love fall.” I even made the title of my subject the blog title post, and completed my writing sample with my name and the date. Aren’t I a good girl?

Anyways, here we go…

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Shyloh. Shyloh loved fall. Well, she loved all seasons but for some reason she got most excited about fall.

One afternoon her mama asked her, “Shyloh, why do you like fall so much?” Shyloh didn’t know, so her mama said, “For school today, I want you to write a blog post on why you like fall so much.”

So Shyloh started thinking…and she realized that she loved fall because…

Ok, enough of that 3rd grade yuckyness!

So, for reals now.

I do seriously love fall. I love all seasons and get goofy every time the seasons start to change. But for some reason, fall turns me batty.

I love pretty much everything about it…the smell in the air. I mean, what’s up with that? October rolls around and suddenly the air smells good?! Not to mention how the air feels. It feels crisp…and clean. (I’m sounding like a nerd here…)

I realized this morning that its October…which means…pumpkin time!!! I’m beyond excited to go pick out a few pumpkins and cute scarecrows to decorate my front yard with. And maybe I’ll even buy something cute to adorn the top of my piano also.

I love the gloomy feeling that settles. The fog. All that which our working men hate. ;-) There is nothing better than waking up in the morning and looking outside to see fog, frost and gloom. Don’t get me wrong, I love sunshine like no other! But for just a few months out of the year, the dark gloomyness is awesome fun.

I think one of the reasons I love fall so much is because I’m such a beach bum. And come October when the weather starts changing—the air, coolness, gloomyness, ect, it all reminds me of the Ocean. And it makes me happy. :)

Speaking of gloomyness…what’s more awesome than snuggling in a blanket on a dark chilly afternoon while sipping something hot and watching a chick flick? That’s right…nothing.

Then there is the weather. The brisk chilliness. Call me crazy, but I love (with a capital L) sleeping with our windows open on fall nights. There’s nothing better than snuggling under warm and heavy blankets while feeling the cold air around you.

Then, in the morning, when you wake up, its so wonderfully cold that you don’t want to get up. Instead, you just lay there, snuggled under the blanket for a few minutes. Before getting brave, jumping out of bed, shoving your feet into slippers and ripping a hoodie over your head, all while stumbling to the kitchen to start a pot of water for some hot tea. Aaaaah….fall.

And I love jeans and hoodies. Paired with a pair of bright yellow rain boots. :) Fall = bring on the jeans and hoodies.

Speaking of tea…along with the weather, smells, air, gloomyness, ect…food. :)

Yes food. Pumpkin bread. Pumpkin bars. Pumpkin cream cheese muffins. (Can you tell I like pumpkin? Except pumpkin pie…yuck…)Homemade caramels. Carmel apples. Turtles.

And then the drinks. Pumkin lattes. Peppermint lattes. Hot chocolate. Hot tea. Apple cider. Mmmmm!

Also along with fall comes fires!! Indoor fires and bonfires! The smokey smell…the warmth…the atmosphere.

Another reason why fall is so awesome is because of me. Yep, that’s right. My birthday makes fall so much better than it’d be if I was born in, say…spring. You can all thank me for making fall that much better.

And finally…October marks the beginning of the Holiday season! This month we begin preparing for the whirlwind of holidays that are sneaking up on us.

So, that is why I love fall. Wonderful glorious fall. :)

The End.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mosh posh blog post

I’ve been in the blogging mood lately, but like usual, I’ve got a bad case of writers block. I’m at my mom’s house right now—my home away from home—and I’m begging my family to give me a good topic to write about. You’d think in a family of 12 people one of them would come up with something good. I guess not.

I never got them to pinpoint a good topic, so I guess this will just be a mosh posh post about a whole bunch of boring topics.

First, lets address the weather. Hasn’t it been wonderful and glorious? What a wonderfully obedient place we live in. October 1st rolls around and suddenly we are enjoying fall weather. Gloomy skies, falling leaves and cool breeze. For the past few days I’ve actually been enjoying wearing jeans! …not sure if I’m wearing jeans due to the weather or the fact that I haven’t shaven my legs in 2 weeks… no matter, the fact is, I’m wearing jeans and it feels nice.

I’m loving this weather change, but Bodey B isn’t. Poor little dude has had to wear clothes –yes, real clothes, 3 days in a row now. *sigh* Nobody knows how sad this is for him. My poor little nudist loving baby is being forced to wear clothes. Such a tragedy.

I’ve been craving pumpkin bread since the weather started changing, and of course, I can’t find it anywhere. I’ve gone to 4 Starbucks looking for a slice of this goodness with no such luck. Yet. I will not give up.

Speaking of pumpkins, its about time to get a few to decorate my front steps with. :)

Now onto my second topic: I’m contemplating piercing my nose. But before I actually did it, I decided to do a trial run of what I’d look like with one to see if its worth doing it or not. I showed up to my parents house yesterday with a fake hoop on. Shannen is very disappointed in me. He didn’t know I was “that type of a girl!” Whatever that means. ;-) I’ll chuckle when he reads this post and realizes its not the real deal. (On a side note, this thing hurts. I kid you not, my next yawn really will shove this thing through my nose!)

My third topic is: I’m sure most of you have read my mom’s blog…if you haven’t, go read it: Life's little moments. Every Monday she posts her “Multiple Monday” list. Its a list of 10 things that she is thankful for. I did this on my other blog for a long time, but since Mr. B has been born I’ve become a flake and haven’t kept up with it. This past week, she decided to include all the kids in on this. Its a great way to constantly be giving thanks and noticing the things that God has given us. She printed up these little pages, which she folded into a 7 page book. One page for each day of the week. Every day, all of my siblings (they keep their book in their pockets) write down 7 things they are thankful for. I’m loving watching all of them as they pull their books out throughout the day to jot down another thing they are thankful for.

My fourth topic is:  Shiro rolled over today! This is a major milestone people! You will all remember this day… October 4th, 2011 as the day that Shiro River Ney rolled over for the first time. (Bravo little brother!)

And finally, for my fifth topic. Who thinks this diaper cover is cute?  I’m having anxiety trying to decide whether or not I should get it for Bodey. I think it’s cute, but I just can’t decide.

Yes? Or no?


I will be back soon with a real blog topic. Once I can finally pin my mom down on a subject to write about. She’s still trying to decide if she should give me a fun topic or a controversial topic. Whichever she chooses…it’ll be a good one. ;-)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Proud mom moment


Yes. It happened. I’ve been dreading this day.


The other day a friend texted me. Her daughter is just a few weeks younger than Bodey.

Her: do you ever wake up in the middle of the night scared that you lost your baby and you have to look around through the blankets to find him?

Me: ….noooo.

Her: do you ever wake up freaked out thinking he’s at the end of the bed getting ready to fall off?

Me: (snicker) …no.

I giggled to myself all day over this question. And made fun of her in my head. Why? Because I’m just that type of person.

Well guess what? God has a sense of humor, and I am now put back in my place and won’t be snickering or making fun of people for having this fear ever again. If she would text me to ask this question again, my answer would be much different.

Our conversation would go like this:

Her: do you ever wake up freaking out thinking Bodey is at the end of the bed getting ready to fall off?

Me: YESSSSS!!! *thumping noise in the background…*




So like I said a moment ago, this conversation took place the other day. Well guess what? The next morning we’re asleep in bed. Like every other morning, Bodey wakes up and lays there cooing to himself and entertaining himself with his toes, while his bad mama lays next to him snoozing happily.

I had woken up briefly, long enough to know he was awake and then fall right back to sleep. This is our normal morning ritual…or I should say “was.” Usually he’d lay there keeping himself content while I slept a little longer. Not this morning. This morning he decided to roll around.

A lot.

He always sleeps on the inside of the bed next to me. (Our bed is against a wall, so there’s no way possible for him to roll off.) Unless of course, he one morning randomly decides to roll from lying next to me at the head of the bed, all the way to the end of the bed and then right off the edge of the bed.

I woke up to the sound of a “thunk.” I’m not sure if the noise was his head or my mama’s heart.

No matter where the noise came from, my baby had rolled off the edge AND IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!!!!!!!! *sniff* *sniff*

Thankfully my little guy is such a sweetie pie and forgave me instantly. He barely cried, which made me feel a tiny bit better. And he didn’t develop a bump nor bruise on his little head.

None the less, I feel terrible.

So, there are two morals to this story: A) don’t make fun of other people for genuine baby-falling-out-of-bed-nighttime fears and B) No more sleeping in while your child lays next to you entertaining themselves.

For the record: Bodey woke up this morning at 8am…and so did his mama.

 Winking smile