
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mosh posh blog post

I’ve been in the blogging mood lately, but like usual, I’ve got a bad case of writers block. I’m at my mom’s house right now—my home away from home—and I’m begging my family to give me a good topic to write about. You’d think in a family of 12 people one of them would come up with something good. I guess not.

I never got them to pinpoint a good topic, so I guess this will just be a mosh posh post about a whole bunch of boring topics.

First, lets address the weather. Hasn’t it been wonderful and glorious? What a wonderfully obedient place we live in. October 1st rolls around and suddenly we are enjoying fall weather. Gloomy skies, falling leaves and cool breeze. For the past few days I’ve actually been enjoying wearing jeans! …not sure if I’m wearing jeans due to the weather or the fact that I haven’t shaven my legs in 2 weeks… no matter, the fact is, I’m wearing jeans and it feels nice.

I’m loving this weather change, but Bodey B isn’t. Poor little dude has had to wear clothes –yes, real clothes, 3 days in a row now. *sigh* Nobody knows how sad this is for him. My poor little nudist loving baby is being forced to wear clothes. Such a tragedy.

I’ve been craving pumpkin bread since the weather started changing, and of course, I can’t find it anywhere. I’ve gone to 4 Starbucks looking for a slice of this goodness with no such luck. Yet. I will not give up.

Speaking of pumpkins, its about time to get a few to decorate my front steps with. :)

Now onto my second topic: I’m contemplating piercing my nose. But before I actually did it, I decided to do a trial run of what I’d look like with one to see if its worth doing it or not. I showed up to my parents house yesterday with a fake hoop on. Shannen is very disappointed in me. He didn’t know I was “that type of a girl!” Whatever that means. ;-) I’ll chuckle when he reads this post and realizes its not the real deal. (On a side note, this thing hurts. I kid you not, my next yawn really will shove this thing through my nose!)

My third topic is: I’m sure most of you have read my mom’s blog…if you haven’t, go read it: Life's little moments. Every Monday she posts her “Multiple Monday” list. Its a list of 10 things that she is thankful for. I did this on my other blog for a long time, but since Mr. B has been born I’ve become a flake and haven’t kept up with it. This past week, she decided to include all the kids in on this. Its a great way to constantly be giving thanks and noticing the things that God has given us. She printed up these little pages, which she folded into a 7 page book. One page for each day of the week. Every day, all of my siblings (they keep their book in their pockets) write down 7 things they are thankful for. I’m loving watching all of them as they pull their books out throughout the day to jot down another thing they are thankful for.

My fourth topic is:  Shiro rolled over today! This is a major milestone people! You will all remember this day… October 4th, 2011 as the day that Shiro River Ney rolled over for the first time. (Bravo little brother!)

And finally, for my fifth topic. Who thinks this diaper cover is cute?  I’m having anxiety trying to decide whether or not I should get it for Bodey. I think it’s cute, but I just can’t decide.

Yes? Or no?


I will be back soon with a real blog topic. Once I can finally pin my mom down on a subject to write about. She’s still trying to decide if she should give me a fun topic or a controversial topic. Whichever she chooses…it’ll be a good one. ;-)

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