
Monday, April 30, 2012

Homemade icecream, babycarriers, more icecream

I made more icecream today. It turned out perfectly. Homemade icecream + magic shell = Mind bomb. Sooo yummy! I think I might have more tonight...

I passed on two beautiful baby carriers today. I had a weird feeling about them, which is always a good sign to pass them up. I'm sad, but I know if I had bought either one, an amazing obimama would pop up five minutes later and I wouldn't have the $$ anymore. :-/ Soooo tomorrow my name will be in all the obimama drawings!! Pray I get one!

I'm getting Bodey to bed then heading off myself. (After a bowl of icecream of course) Tomorrow is story time :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

1st birthday party, watermelon cake, drained from the sun

We had a combined bday party for Bodey and Jeff for his family today. We forgot to take pictures or video tape. :( His first birthday cake was made out of all fruit--a watermelon decorated with pieces of strawberry, pineapple and mango. I'm SO bummed we forgot pictures.

It was a hot day. I was outside most of the day so I'm drained now. We are getting bodey to bed and then I'm gonna collapse on the couch and eat leftover salad :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Birthday party prep!

So incredibly exhausted. We did bday party prep all day. Amanda came over and spent the day with us, helping slave away. Her company and help was SO appreciated. The house is decorated cute and our yard is mown/weeded/AND watered!

Bodey did not nap at all today. 8-( That boy. He is crazy.

I am painting my nails, taking a hot bath and going to bed. Busy day tomorrow!

Friday, April 27, 2012

No bonus, rainbow wraps, $10 watermellon and to-do's

Pay day - bonus = irritated me. Of course no bonus. Why would I expect Jeff's job to actually pay us what he earned? Psh. Stupid me.

I got a babywrap today. Its the SAME one I already have. Jeff is right-- "They all look the same." (insert eye roll...)

We spent the day running errands for B's birthday. I spent $10 on a watermellon. :(

Tomorrow we gotta set up, do yard work and clean the bathroom. Fun stuff.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

payday, cinnamon roll pancakes, bodey's bad 'tude, garage sale

Its payday!!!!! I'm beyond excited. But irritated that they never let us spend money until the day after depositing Jeff's check. >:-(

We made cinnamon roll pancakes for breakfast. Can we say "Yummmmy?!" They were delicious.

Bodey has had such an incredibly bad attitude lately. Idk where it came from, but its going back hopefully just as quick as it arrived. All my siblings are afraid of him. Psh, even half the adults in the family are scared of him. :( I'm not sure how to deal with him!!

Spent the evening helping my family set up for Shelbie's garage sale. Their front yard and drive way are FULLLLL of stuff. Its insane. Such a blessing!

Lots to do tomorrow, so I'm off to bed!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

flopped icecream, B's fits, rainy weather, and choco chip oatmeal

I tried making icecream today with a milk only base. It flopped. So we went and got some whipping cream. Didn't help. Grrrr. 6 cups of milk and $3 in whipping cream down the drain. I'm trying to freeze it and just make do. But i'm pretty bummed and irritated. How do you flop icecream?!

Bodey has a new little attitude lately. Its ugly. He has mastered the whole throwing a fit thing. :-/ we gotta crack down on his 'tude quickly! He crawled around on the floor tonight with Maycie. Both Maycie and B had a blast. It was cute :)

It rained today--weird weather.

I did more house work today. Took a nap. Ate chocolate chip oatmeal for breakfast.

It was a good day.

Now if only my icecream would freeze before I go to bed so I can indulge...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

walked to the library, laundry, making ice cubes, Bodey's fits

Blogger changed their format setting. I hate it. Its confusing.

Today was a long tiring day. I got up and went on a walk to the Library for Story time. Bodey absolutely loved it, I think it will become a weekly tradition. I need to pay off my library fine so I can rent the laddy some fun books.

Random thought...I need to start flossing. I hate flossing.

I did a ton of laundry today (Who knew we had so much laundry?!) I hate folding.

I wanted to make icecream, but we have no ice. So I've been making ice cubes all afternoon. :-/

Bodey is cutting 2 new teeth. He goes from being happy to cranky like this *snap*.  He's a funny little dude. For the past 2 nights he's thrown the biggest tissy fit ever when Jeff leaves for work. Its cute and makes Jeff feel loved, but it makes me kinda mad...he doesn't throw a fit like that when I leave. :-/

Off to snuggle with my sleeping boy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

cleaning like a madwoman

I worked like a madman today. Trying to get ready for B's birthday party. I went through all my cupboards and closets getting stuff together for Shelbie's yard sale. I vacuumed all day. I did dishes. Too many dishes. And now I am tired.

I just ate a cold mango--my craving this pregnancy! And now I'm gonna go crawl my exhausted body into bed and hope for a deep, uninterupted nights sleep.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bodey is ONE!!!

Happy Birthday Bodey!!! Well, I am officially the mama of a 1year old. *Sniff sniff* I'm so sad. The year went so fast, yet seems so long ago. And wowzers, what a year it has been. Bodey has been a constant surprise to us--good ways, bad ways, ugly ways. Haha. I'm eager to see what this year holds, but I hope it goes by slower than last year did!

We had strawberry shortcake today. Bodey didn't get any. He just got some chopped up strawberries and peaches, and boy was he delighted.

It was a bad day. I cried all day. I'm hormonal. Tired. Exhausted. Hormonal...

But, on the upside. I have a small sliver chance at getting my dream baby carrier. The one i'd be willing to sell all of Jeff's organs to fund! I'll be waiting a week to hear for sure...so cross your fingers and pray it works out!!!

Happy birthday to Bodey!!!! May your year of being 1 be very very blessed!!! XOXO, mama

Saturday, April 21, 2012

so darn hot, birthday parties, bath parties

It was so horribly hot today. I whined like a baby. I have no idea how I will ever survive the summer. I need to go swimsuit shopping as soon as possible! I am going to be so tan by the end of the year.

We had Shayden and Shadd's combined birthday party today. It was fun--minus the heat. It was reptile themed, so Uncle Micah came and did a little snake show.

Bodey got to sit on the grass with a bowl of water to splash in. He thourhoughly enjoyed it!

Tonight Bodey, Shiro and Shylie took a bath together. What an experience. Shiro has no fear of the water, and apparently thinks he's a fish who can breath underwater. Bodey wants to climb the side of the tub, and Shylie wants to assist in bathing them--aka drowning them while plugging their nose. EEK!

Bodey turns one tomorrow. I can not believe its already been a year! And boy what a year its been! ;-)

This heat is making me so incredibly grumpy. Pray for Jeff. Pray he has the patience to endure my crankyness and wrath. Pray for some cooler weather for me...and maybe some patience and grace. :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

bad day

It was a horrible day. I either need sleep, ice cream, vitamin B or all of the above.

I woke up with my legs so swollen I can hardly walk. My arms and ankles are crazy burnt.

Bodey did not nap at all today. He's beyond cranky. I don't even know what to do with him.

We got bad bill news. I hate bill paying day. We already have no money and its not even pay day. Someone please invent a money tree, it would make my life so much easier.

My house is a mess. I'm too tired and sore to even do anything about it. I need a maid.

We are out of ice cream. And I need some desperately, before I kill someone.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ocean trip--Bodey is a beach bum!

We went to the Ocean today. It was such a beautiful day! Bodey had SO MUCH FUN. He has been in the best mood all day--including now--at 11:00pm. :-/ We all got sun kissed, including Bodey, which is pretty sad. That boy had so much fun playing in the sand, I kid you not, I will be finding sand in his little body creases for the next 6 weeks!

I missed out on 3 of my dream baby carriers today. :'-( I was just a few minutes late to each one. All because of the stupid ocean. :-p

Jeff and I need to get Bodey to calm down and go to bed so we can sit down and relax! We are sunburnt, dehydrated and tired!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

living room fan & ocean trips

Today my dad came over and helped Jeff install a fan in our livingroom. It was a long, difficult and messy project. I have a fan--yay!! And a huge mess in my livingroom. Oiy!

We are going to the ocean tomorrow, so we are up late getting ready. Trying to get B to sleep so we can both work together. Hopefully the weather is beautiful tomorrow! I can't wait to see how Bodey likes the beach!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

jeff's job, gardening, Olive Garden, hyper baby

Today we stressed out. Jeff's company called us 6 times. In a row. He was stressed about what could happen if we didn't answer. But also stressed about what could happen if we answered. Finally we answered, just to find out what they want and so we could hopefully enjoy the rest of the vacation. I answered. The stupid lady says, "Will you please tell Jeff next week to come in at 5 and he'll be working in the freezer?" I could have killed her. Jeff needs a new job.

We gardened today. But my front yard still looks terrible. I can't believe we are having a birthday out there in 2 weeks. Ugh, its so ugly.

Tonight Jeff went with my dad to a meeting. They got home late. mama and I were starving. So we made them take us out to dinner at Olive Garden. We shut the place down. Our waitress was not very friendly.

Bodey took a quick cat nap at his Mimi's house tonight and is WOUND. UP. now. wide awake, spinning out of control...Go to sleep little dude!!

We postponed our trip til Thursday. We aren't staying the night after all. Bummer! But i'm still eager to soak up some sunrays on the beach!

Monday, April 16, 2012

new windows, plants, bday invites, dentist appts and more monk

Today we went to my parents so Jeff could help my dad install a livingroom window. Their livingroom is so much brighter and happier now!

Tonight Jeff and I went to Home Depot and Lowes to price windows for our own house. I'm so excited to get a kitchen window soon. I bought plants for my front yard too! Tomorrow we get to get our hands in the dirt to plant them!

I addressed birthday invites today. And binky shopped. The one brand of binkies Bodey will take has been discontinued. :-/ I've looked everywhere for them. I guess now I turn to the internet for help.

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment, I'm so nervous. I know I have cavities. :-/

We are getting Bodey to bed, watching Monk then heading off ourselves.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

postponed our trip, church, quiet day, Shadd's bday

We postponed going to the Ocean til Thursday. I'm still not feeling fantastic, so I'm happy that we are waiting a few more days.

Today we had Church. Bodey started hollering before worship was even up. :-/ I look forward to the day we upgrade to a bigger building where there are more places to go hide with my loud children.

It was a dull quiet day. I slept for most of the day. Jeff watched Netflix and made brownies. I tried making chocolate almonds, but ended up burning them so badly I think I might have to throw the whole tray away :-/

Tonight we went and celebrated Shadd's birthday.

We are supposed to watch an episode of Monk before bed, but I think Jeff fell asleep with Bodey...

Friday, April 13, 2012

unproductive day, tiny paycheck, vacation deets & new polish

1st day of vacation = very unproductive day.

We waited around at home for hours for some guys to show up to do some house stuff. They finally arrived and took forever to do their stuff. By the time they left it was 4 and we had several errands to run. We didn't get done and home til 7. :-/

Its payday. Our check was way less than normal since we didn't get the bonus. Makes me sad, and stressed since we have a lot going on this payperiod.

Planned some vacation details today... So exciting! I'm ready to go to the ocean!

Can't wait for tomorrow's mail!!!! Fluff goodness on the way!

Got some new nail polish tonight at wally world. I'm off to paint my nails then head to bed.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

midwife appt, hair cuts, bday invites. Feed me.

Met with my midwife today, it was a quick appointment. Everything is going well. I've gained 12lbs so far. I'm 22.5 weeks. Baby's heartrate is 140s. I'm measuring on track. Blah blah blah. I like going to my appointments :)

All of us girls in the Ney house went and got hair cuts today. (Us big girls...) It was fun. We bombarded the hair salon for a couple hours, spilt cheerios everywhere and left with new do's.

I picked up B's bday invites today. They are cute. Tomorrow--Address and mail out :)

I have the munchies. I need food and a lot of sleep.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Still moving slow, burnt soup, midwife appt & haircuts

**For the record....Bodey turns one on the 22nd. Not the 29th ;-)**

I'm moving so slow today. I still have no energy and am tired. I'm still coughing and have no voice and my nose is stuffy. Ugh. Poor Bodey is coughing today :'-( We've been hopping him up on vitamins today, hopefully tomorrow he is better.

It poured rain last night and was still dark and overcasty today, so I made a big pot of potato soup for lunch. Of course it burnt. :-/ My luck.

Tomorrow we have an appointment with our midwife. I haven't done my food chart, so she's not gonna be very happy with me... :-/

I'm getting a hair cut tomorrow. I think I'm gonna get some bangs... I'm ready for a change. Hmmmm...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

vacation, peek-a-boo and sickies

Sorry for being MIA. I've been soooo sick for the past few days. Today is the first day that I've been up and around. I still feel weak, but I'm on the mend. Horray! Now I'm just praying Bodey, Jeff and my family stays strong and healthy.

Vacation starts on Monday! (I think...) We are going to spend a night up at the Ocean...hopefully put in our ceiling fan and fingers crossed hopefully put in my new kitchen window.

This week Bodey mastered the art of playing peek-a-boo. He does it every night before falling asleep and as soon as he wakes up in the morning. Its so cute :) Tonight I finished up the details on his birthday invitations. Can you believe he will be one on the 29th?? Time does fly...

I am off to find something healthy and sweet (think fruit...) to snack on and then head to bed.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

reunited with my iphone & spagetti sauce pizza

I went back to target today and got my phone back. *Happy sigh of joy...*

We had a "First day of baseball" party today. The Garcia's came over. There was a lot of food (including spinach dip that had spinach in it!)And weird homemade pizza...

We did Reasurection cookies tonight with the kids and did a little sermon on Easter.

Bodey stayed up WAY too late tonight. We are trying to get him to bed so we can watch "The Passion of the Christ" and go to bed.

Friday, April 6, 2012

dumbphones, Good Friday, Baseball parties

We returned out iphones today and went back to dumb phones. I hate the new one sooo much. I'm hoping to switch back to the iphone tomorrow. >:-(

We had Good Friday service today. Thanks to my siblings playing pass the baby, I got to sit through the whole service!! Its funny to think that on Good Friday last year I was in labor with Bodey :) (Can't believe his birthday is in a few weeks!!)

Tomorrow we are having a "1st day of baseball, lets celebrate the Giant's" party at my parents. Lol we do anything to have a party apparently. ;-)

I bought a water britta today. Yuck. It tastes funny, but at least we have water in the house now.

Off to bed now to watch "Toy Story 3" and snuggle with my boys.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

lazy day in bed

I didn't feel very good today. I spent most of the day in bed. Jeff was a dear and waited on me hand and foot. He even made us lunch--and might I add, it was yummmmy!!! I watched Cinderella 5 times today... oiy. I'm going to have "A dream is a wish" song stuck in my head forever.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch...

I'm so out of shape. My mom and I went on a walk this morning. Since I've been home...I've been laying down whining about my aches and pains. I am off to moan and groan in bed with my hot water bottle.

Monday, April 2, 2012

asparagus, out of alignment, shoes and sleeeep.

Productive day. I vacuumed my house. Again. I made a delicious lunch (I discovered asparagus is amaaazing with Parmesan cheese on it)I cleaned my kitchen and did laundry. I had wanted to go for a walk, but unfortunately that never happened. :(

My hips are hurting really badly today and my neck is STILL kinked (from like a week ago) So tomorrow morning my mom and I are going to walk to the chiropractor and get a good adjustment. Kill two birds with one stone--a walk and an adjustment :)

I spent this evening drooling over those awesome Vibram toe shoes with my mom. I am going to buy a pair in every color...eventually.

I stayed up way too late tonight. I'm feeling very irritated with myself. Why can't I get to bed earlier at night!? I'm off to snuggle with my warm bodied, snoring baby.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools, Paroting, Barf & anticipated mail

Today was April fools day. I was only punked once--by Jeff ;-) Surprisingly my brothers didn't pull any stupid pranks on us...knowing them, they'll wait til tomorrow. lol!

Today we hung out at home for most of the afternoon. I vacuumed my gameroom--twice. I wonder when vacuuming will become a boring old thing? Hopefully never. We played with Bodey, he was being a ham earlier and was paroting what we were saying: "Daddy..." "Mama..." "Hi..." "Daddy..." over and over again.

Tonight the Garica's came over to my parents house. I got to see my friend! I've missed her lots! Bodey barfed all over the kitchen table and all over my clothes. It was disgusting and I'm never giving him food again.

Tomorrow I have the most amazing baby wrap coming. Its yellow and its called "Sun." I am going to wrap Bodey up in it immediately and go for a walk in the sun down to our park to teeter-totter.

B is in bed for the night. Jeff and I are relaxing, I'm going to do some sewing while watching a Monk episode.