
Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Slumber party that wasn’t

Two nights ago we sat down for dinner at my parent’s kitchen table. As everyone was settling themselves in their seats, I started looking around and realized that everyone had these cute little cards next to their plates with their names written on them. Everyone that is, except Jeff and I.

All my snobby siblings secretly cracked their cards open and peeked inside. With little giggles and meaningful glances going around the kitchen table I knew that I was being left out of something. And judging by how they were all acting…I knew it must have been good.

After I pried one of the cute little cards from a siblings sticky grasp, I ripped it open and was crushed to read the following:

You are invited:

To a Slumber Party in Mama and Daddy’s room!

When: Saturday night

R.S.V.P. to Mama or Daddy

Be there or be square!


It was made clear rather quickly, that Jeff nor I were invited. *sniff sniff*

The next two days were spent listening to all my siblings ooh and aww over all the fun they were planning on having. Visions of movies, ice cream and pillow fights clouded their sight.

At first, I’m not gonna lie. I was a bit jealous. My mom tried to comfort me by explaining why we weren’t invited. But it was a lame reason to not invite us. And it didn’t comfort me at all.

But after a few hours of feeding my sorrow, I decided not to let them get the best of me. I decided that Jeff and I would have some mad fun of our own…we would have our OWN little slumber party at our own house. And guess what? None of them were invited.

We were going to eat ice cream, watch a movie, eat ice cream, have a pillow fight, eat ice cream, eat more ice cream and have more fun than they could ever dream of having.

Sooo, last night finally arrives. The big slumber party. Jeff and I were kicked out around 8, so that they could begin their party without us. But that was okay with us, we were gonna have our own crazy fun.

We got home, put Bodey to bed, started our movie and served up our 1st bowl of ice cream.

….10 minutes later…. “snoooooorrreeeeeee.”

……20 minutes later…. (Jeff, waking up) “Um, I’m gonna go to bed. I’m already falling asleep no sense fighting it.”

So, the rest of the evening was me.

Having a one man slumber party.

And oooh boy, was it ever fun.

Just me. Myself. And I.

And lemme tell you….I’m a real kick in the pants.

What a party.

Oh yesssss family, be so jealous of all the fun I had. And keep me and all my funness in mind for the next time you plan a slumber party. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. My dear...I explained to you that we planned it when you were SUPPOSED to be out of town. I'm sorry your plans changed but it really would be a bit awkward to have Jeff sleeping in my bedroom for a slumber party! I really think he would rather not see his mil in her nightgown! Let's send the boys on a camping trip and then we can have a slumber party for just the girls!;o)
