
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy birthday Jeff!

Happy Birthday to Jeff!!! Today we went to 1st service. When Bodey got loud, my mom took him out so I could actually sit through an entire church service. After church, Jeff, Bodey and I went to the Bass Pro Shop and Old Navy. Bodey was fascinated with the fish tank at Bass Pro shop. We ended the outting with Starbucks' new Cookie Crumble drink. After we got home from Mantica I made an icecream sandwich cake and we headed over to my parents house. Jeff opened gifts, we ate cake and half the family went on a bike ride.

Bodey refused to nap today, so we've been dealing with a grouchy bug for the later half of the afternoon/evening. Poor little dude has 2 battle wounds on his face. A giant bruise from last night and a scraped nose from today. I gotta keep him away from Studpa and Mimi's house apparently...

Jeff and I are gonna wind down tonight by watching a movie. A weird one I've never heard of. Its a kid movie and its weird animation, so we'll see how long I last til I fall asleep ;-)

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