
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bradley class #6

Tonight in Bradley class I was really out of it. I've been in a haze all day and was really not interested in going to class, nor interested in what we learned. I'm not really sure why, I was just in one of those moods today.

Because I was in a funk today, I'm not really sure what we learned tonight. I'm actually having to reread our Bradley book to create something to blog about.

The main thing that stuck out to me tonight in class, was when Debbra talked about transition. I'm already trying to prepare Jeff for when I'm in transition, as I know that will be the time that I flip out and am just "done." I might start begging for pain meds, might start begging to go into a hospital, I'm not really sure how I'll act...but I want Jeff to be prepared.

Because of this, I wish Jeff could have come tonight. Debbra just has a way about her of describing things that I know he'd be able to fully understand, and when the times comes and I'm in transition (but don't know it...) HE will know that I am, and will be my rock during my moments of weakness.

Some signs of transition that Jeff needs to watch for is: when I'm just "done." When I "can't take it anymore." When I start begging for pain medication, or asking to go to the hospital. If I start crying, shaking, vomiting, burping, ect... Emotionally I might get confused, crabby, stressed or cranky. If I ask if I'm in transition, its a sign that I might be. And also, if I deny that I'm in transition (when someone says that I am) then I most likely am.

One thing Debbra said is: "Transition only last for about 10-30 minutes. During transition the mother may flip out and want to do something that she originally didn't want (i.e. medication or going to a hospital). Your goal is to keep her distracted because transition isn't a long phase. If you can keep her distracted long enough, the baby will come quickly and it'll all be over." By "distracted," Debbra means try to get the mom to use breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, "going with the contraction..." stuff like that.

The only part of the whole labor that I'm most worried about is transition. Just because Jeff doesn't know what to expect, and I don't want him to freak out. Because once he freaks out, I'll see that my support and my rock has failed and I will start freaking out and doubting everything.

We also talked about the "ring of fire." Which apparently, is just as awful as it sounds. It's supposedly the most painful moment of labor. It lasts just about 1 minute long (if even) but feels like eternity. Debbra said, "You will think you are dying. But you aren't." Niccceee... I'm not exactly looking forward to that. But Debbra did promise that the second the head is through, all pain goes away. "It's not a lingering pain. It's there...and then it's gone."

Another thing Debbra mentioned tonight is: "Dad's...when mom is going through transition, she will most likely say a lot of things to you that are very offensive or hurtful. Please don't take offense, she's in excruciating pain and isn't meaning what she is saying. She's like the truthful drunk. All these thoughts have been passing thoughts in her head, but as she's in pain and overwhelmed, she thinks that is how she really feels. Once the baby is born and it's all over, she will deeply regret everything she said, as she didn't really mean any of it." Hehehe...poor Jeff. I will apologize now, in advance, for any unkind words that might cross my lips. :-}

We also went over some birthing positions. I'm not really into the birthing positions, as I plan on being at home and want to be in whatever position makes me feel comfiest. I don't really think I need to "practice" positions. To me, it seems like they'll come naturally when the time comes. And if for some reason they don't, that's what my midwife is for. Dawn used to also be a Bradley instructor, so I know she'll be reminding me to try different positions and such.

Debbra didn't give us a nutrition sheet again this week. I guess we aren't doing them anymore? I was a good girl last week though, and still wrote down all I ate and the steps I walked. I did pretty good on eating...not so hot on walking. But I guess TTAP counts as exercising.

Speaking of TTAP...I gotta go do mine. Ugggh. Joy joy joy...

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