
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm so ashamed :-(

Tonight I broke my "no sugar Monday-Thursday" promise. I'm so ashamed of myself. I fought my sweet tooth all day, and was winning the battle, until this evening when Amanda drug me kicking and screaming down to Baskin Robins. (Okay, I might be fudging a little bit here...) As I gazed into the glass of the ice cream counter, I fought with myself on the inside. Amanda didn't help me at all. In fact, looking back on it...I think she was trying to pull me down. (Sniff sniff...some friend!) I licked my lips and stared longingly as the lady scooped up Amanda's ice cream and handed it to her. Then the lady turned to me. I think she was in on the evil plot to ruin my goals as well... "What would you like?" As my "buy one get one free" coupon weighed heavily in my wallet and my overly strong sniffer was breathing in the strong aroma of Amanda's mint and chip ice cream cone, temptation overpowered me and I caved.

As I walked out of Baskin Robins, holding my cup of ice cream (cookies n cream and strawberry cheesecake, with a sugar cone on top) my heart was heavy with disappointment. My flesh and sweet tooth won tonight's battle, and I won't be forgiving myself anytime soon for this blunder of mine.

To try and ease my conscience, I worked out extra hard tonight. I didn't even turn on the TTAP video, as looking at all the women TTAPing with their perfect bodies and stupid smiles would have made me feel even more guilty. Instead I TTAPed from memory and also created some of my own moves that were so challenging, that all my muscles are now mad at my sweet tooth and caving fleshy desires. I think I'll be remembering my mistake even tomorrow (as I'm sure I'll be sore in the morning...) and next week, when Amanda comes with her evil desires to pull me down, hopefully my mind will remember tonight's guilt and pain, and will be able to stand strong in the midst of temptation.

Tonight, to show my utter disapproval of my lack of self control, instead of posting a pretty dress I decided to post a picture of what my future may hold for me, if I don't get a grip on my sweet tooth:

Dear Sweet Tooth and Fleshy Nature,

Feast your eyes on this :

Love, Shyloh

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