
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sick--bleh :-(

I've been bedridden and sick since Thursday. I started not feeling so hot Wednesday night (and actually ended up skipping Bradley class, because I wasn't sure if I was coming down with something or not) and it quickly escalated into an awful flu, which my family kindly shared with me.

I had the whole works--body aches, headache, fever, nausea, coughs, ect.

Yesterday, I finally drug myself out of bed for a few hours to go to Joanne's and stock up on more flannel fabric as their sale ended last night. I definitely overdid it yesterday, because last night I felt awful again.

I'm feeling better today...but not good. My face hurts so bad (like a sinus infection maybe?) I still have a headache and my body is still a bit achy. I have zero energy and am coughing my lungs out. My family is also still plagued with the sickies. The only difference? In my house, so far, I'm the only one sick--therefore Jeff can take care of me. In the Ney house, 8 out of 10 are sick...leaving 2 recovering sickies to take care of the rest of them. :-( My poor little family.

I'm stressed beyond stressed today. I have some out of town family coming down on Thursday, and they're planning on bunking in our spare bedroom. I hadn't counted on being sick prior to them coming, so I haven't been preparing in advance for their arrival. But now, as they'll be here in 4 days, I have a ton of stuff to do to get ready...but no energy. All I want to do is sit, sew, sleep and cry. :-(

Hopefully Jeff doesn't get sick, if he does, I'm screwed! We'll never get ready in time for Nana to come. :-( I'm praying tomorrow I feel myself again and have more energy. I'm also hoping that the Ney's make a fast recovery. Maybe I'd be able to borrow my two sisters and recruit their help in our "preparing for Nana" mission.

Dear Sickies...pleaseeee go away!

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