
Friday, March 4, 2011

weigh in time... -3 lbs!!

Tonight I weighed myself. I was expecting to see some horrific numbers, but was all kind of delighted when I realized instead of gaining weight...I've actually lost 3 pounds!!! 3 pounds might not sound very big or exciting to the non pregnant person, but to a pregnant woman who is supposed to be gaining a pound a week during this last trimester...losing 3 pounds is amazing!

Yes, I did the happy dance.

It's so nice to see that my TTAPing is working! I really didn't expect to see many changes while being pregnant. I also think that the no-sugar promise is probably helping a little bit as well. (I say "little bit," because I haven't done so hot this week...better than normal! But definitely not "sugar-free.")

I have been contemplating all evening whether or not I should eat one of my Dreyer's all natural fruit bars or not. I've been arguing with myself all evening. One side of me is saying, "They are natural!!" While the other side is arguing back, "Yes, but they have sugar in them!" After I weighed myself and saw my success, my desire for those yummy fruit bars floated out the window! Instead of a fruit bar, right now I am enjoying a cup of frozen grapes. Tomorrow I will be indulging in a fruit bar! ;-)

Earlier, being tired--like normal(!) I had thought about skipping TTAPing tonight. But boy! After seeing the scale...No way am I skipping!! I'm so excited about those 3 little pounds!

I worked out extra hard tonight. I had much more enthusiasm and gustso than normal! I made it nearly 10 minutes, and could have gone longer, but decided to quit because the baby was doing all types of acrobatics in my belly and I was worried that he/she was feeling uncomfortable with my movements. I did most of TTAP without my 5 pound weights, but only because I've realized they're very difficult to do the steps with without smashing myself in the arm, hands or face. (Ouch...it has happened before...and yes it hurts.) But after the regular TTAPing, I did hoedowns, and I used the weights during that workout.

I'm excited for tomorrow to come! :) I want to TTAP again!!! If I've lost 3 pounds from only TTAPing a total of ....10 times? And only doing half the work out at a time...imagine what my results could be if I did it twice a day, 5 days a week for the whole 15 minute work out session??

This dress would look good hanging in my closet. Who knows...someday soon it might be joining my closet club. ;-)

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