
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

on the upswing!

Well, it's been a very looonnng week, but I'm finally on the upswing. (I think) Last Wednesday night I started feeling a little tickle in my throat and I noticed that my body hurt a bit. From there it went into a full swing flu, complete with crazy body aches, pounding headaches, and a terrible cough..that just won't go away!!! I lay immobile in bed for daaaayys and lived off of orange juice and soup. Sunday I finally woke up feeling decent and actually got out of bed and tried to "live" my day out. But within an hour of being up...I was right back in bed. Same thing happened Monday, so Tuesday when I awoke I decided to take things very light and easy. Today I had an appointment with Shawna that I didn't want to have to reschedule again, so I drug myself out of bed stinkin early to make it. After the appointment I came home and went right back to bed. But after a nice long nap, I woke up feeling much better.

I'm still coughing a lot, and my stomach and ribs hurt soooo bad from that, but I can't complain too badly. From where I was...I think I'm doing pretty good. ;-)

I've realized this week that getting sick when pregnant is totally different than when one gets sick while not being pregnant. When you're pregnant and sick, oooh boy! It's a horrible thing. I think it hits harder, lasts longer and in general, it's just more mean than normal. I never want to experience this again! My mom and I were both reassured today though, when Shawna told us that babies can't get sick in the womb. We've been worried about that, so it was relieving to hear.

Tomorrow is another ski trip for my siblings. Only some of the family is going to go, as they have also been sick. I'm gonna go to keep my dad company (not sure if my mom is going to go yet). I'm looking forward to having a relaxing day just sitting and sewing!!

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