
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Busy weekend. Partied out. Tired. Grumpy boy.

I just found out that the music playlist that i've been using for my blog for the past 4 years "Updated their site to bigger and better" and made the "hard decision" to no longer allow playlist codes to be posted in blogger. (POOP ON THEM!!!!!!!!) So I'm feeling very irritated right now. Please stand by as I will spend the next few days trying to figure this out and working on getting a new playlist (obviously through a friendlier web host...) uploaded.

We've had a very busy past few days.

I got into a high kicking competition with Jeff on Friday and pulled some muscles. So I've had a very painful and slow moving weekend. ;-) No more high kick contests for me!

Saturday we had a prayer night for Shelbie -- did you know she's leaving on Friday?! THIS Friday?! Um yea...I didn't know that.

Today we had a surprise early birthday for her. (She turns 18 two weeks after she gets to Zambia.) So that was fun. But I think we are all partied out for a while...Lolly will be lucky if she gets a birthday party next month. Teehehee!

Tonight Jeff and Shelbie went to College group. Since it was Shelbie's last week they stayed forever so she could talk and say goodbye to everyone. I was stuck at home with Mr Grumpy himself. Eeek. Its been a long weekend for him and he's done. D.O.N.E.

Thankfully he is in bed asleep right now--whew!

I'm not looking forward to starting a new week.

I want to sleep. And I want to sleep in........ sweeet sweeet sleep. How I miss thee.

"Yes, 5:30am...I hear you calling me. I will see you tomorrow. Bright and early. Uh huh...see you then..."


  1. Yes, please fix your playlist...then fix mine!
    Thank you and good night!

  2. Tell Shelbie we will be praying for her and miss her, ssooooooooo, much! Much love!
