
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bad news from Zambia, unripe tomatoes, and sleepy baby boy

I got to chat with Shelbie last night (well, veryyyy early this morning!) on facebook, which was fun. I haven't talked with her since she left Texas. But we woke up this morning to some very bad news. :(Apparently yesterday (hehe, HER yesterday) her bag got stolen right out from under her. It contained *all* of her money, all her ID's and worst of all, her passport. We've all been very stressed out over here. Tomorrow she will be going to the Embassy to see what can be done. In the meantime, please send prayers our/her way.

Bodey was a pain in the rear last night. He woke up at 2am and didn't go back to sleep til 4:30. But to make matters worse, he woke up again this morning at 7. UGH. Needless to say, I am tired. You'd assume that he would be tired too, right? Um....wrong? The little booger refuses to sleep anymore. Naps are like pulling teeth. We are going to be changing that this week. I guess he doesn't realize he's 1 and he still needs 2 naps a day. :-/

We did some house work this morning. Washed some laundry, did some organizing and some gardening. I picked my first tomato today! I thought it was a funky shaped yellow pear tomato. Apparently it was an unripe red tomato. :-/ Hopefully the pear tomatoes start producing soon, I'm so excited about them! Oh! And my zucchini plants have flowers on them! Yay!!!

I went over to my mom's this afternoon. I was planning on swimming, but again, just spent the day talking about it. 

I'm at home now and I'm in the mood to clean. My house isn't 200 degrees like it normally is, so I'm going to seize the opportunity. Maybe I'll scrub my kitchen cupboards tonight??

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