
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My day--from awful to okay.

Today I had a horrible beyond horrible day. (You saw my highs and lows, right? Yea...it really was a low...) I basically sat in my rocking chair all day, sobbing my eyes out and stressing. My stomach aches from how much I cried. I hate stressing over financial situations. It's the pits. Thankfully, Jeff immediately got on the phone and spent nearly all day calling various people trying to figure this situation out. I think we finally got the issue resolved, but we won't know for sure if it all works out for another 7 days....ugh!

Amanda came over this evening and cheered me up greatly. After a great deal of venting, and then listening to her woes, I felt much better. We spent the evening by first going to Chipotle, then to Baskin Robins and finally ending the evening at home, sitting around our kitchen table whining to each other. It was a very enjoyable evening.

After she left, I decided to TTAP. I used my 5lb weights while TTAPing and only got about 7 minutes into the workout before quiting. O.U.C.H. My goodness! I'll be sore tomorrow! I think I'm on to something though with the weights...it really puts some added burn in there. I'm sure it helps an already amazing workout... I guess we'll see by the results. Right?

I love TTAPing. Every time I do it, i'm reminded of how good I feel afterwards, and I get frustrated with myself for not being more faithful and diligent at doing it. I really really reaallly need to bust my buns on it though! I'm tired of feeling like a fat oompa loompa. And I'm really tired of my Michelin Tire dude arms and double chin. :-(

Ick, it's gross.

After TTAPing, I decided to treat myself to a nice hot and relaxing bath. I gave myself a olive oil hair treatment (I now smell like Italian food...but my hair is thankful), I scrubbed my face with peppermint salt and then did a avocado clay mask. Aaahh. My face now feels smooth, soft and healthy!

And now, here I am. Blogging about my boring day and eating a bowl of Italian tomato salad.


Even though my day started off just terribly, it ended on an okay note. I feel refreshed and rejuvinated. I'm going to finish up my nightly blogging, fill my hotwater bottle with boiling water and head to bed soon! I can't wait to crawl into bed and sleep... I. am. so. very. tired...

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