
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Prophecy over baby's life?

Since I've been pregnant, every Sunday I get sick at church. By "sick," I mean: first I get very hot and sweaty. Then I start feeling dizzy and nauseous and feel like I'm going to barf. I can't remember the last time I actually was able to sit through an entire service without running to the bathroom to hang my head over the toilet. It's very strange, as Sundays are the only day of the week that I get this way. It's only in the sanctuary that this happens and it only happens once I sit down. (Meaning, I think I could probably stand in the sanctuary for hours and be fine, but within 10 minutes of sitting down, I have to leave.) Usually, I excuse myself from the sanctuary once I start getting sick and go sit in the "fellowship hall."

When this first started happening, within a few minutes of being out of the sanctuary I would feel fine. But as my pregnancy has progressed, the yuckiness I feel on Sundays has increased. Last week was by far the worst week yet, the effects of my yuckiness lasted all day. I felt sick and couldn't eat anything and all I wanted to do was sleep....all day long.

When this first started happening, I assumed it was spiritual warfare. Well, a few weeks ago we decided randomly to go to CCModesto. I realized after the service that I had made it through an entire service without getting sick--thus spiritual warfare didn't seem to be the answer anymore.

I sat down and talked about it with my mom and sisters, and we have finally concluded that perhaps I'm being exposed to something in our church's sanctuary that is causing me to feel sick. We're assuming that since I'm pregnant my body must be deficient of a vitamin or mineral (that as the baby is growing, he/she is taking more of...thus explaining why I'm getting worse week after week). We are taking a wild guess that it's some type of chemical in the church pews (since I only get sick once I sit down.)

I know that sounds like a wild and crazy guess, but we have no idea what else it could possible be.

Well today we went to church, and Jeff was very nervous about me going. He told me to just sit in the fellowship hall or something and stay away from the sanctuary, but I don't want to go to church and not even try to hear the sermon. I promised I'd leave the minute I started feeling nasty.

After worship we were all seated. And of course, like every other week, within 10 minutes I was starting to feel hot and nauseous. I decided to leave and go to the fellowship hall and see if they needed any help in the kitchen.

Every week for some reason, there is this one sweet couple that sits in the fellowship hall during 2nd service. They've grown used to seeing me come in and finally asked last week why I always leave service. Today the wife made a comment that she was surprised to see that I came again. (Last week I swore I was done going to church until the baby was born and I could sit through a service without turning green.) The husband, hearing her comment, responded with, "Why shouldn't she come? You know this is probably just warfare." The wife responded that she wasn't so sure, and said she's leaning towards our "theory" about me being exposed to something my body can't handle. The husband responded back and said, "That could be warfare. Satan isn't limited to effecting the body physically to keep someone from hearing the word." His next few sentences gave me goosebumps. I decided to write them down to remember, for just in case he spoke a prophecy over my baby. He said, "You know what I think? I think you're having a boy. And that little boy is going to be our next pastor. Satan doesn't want him anywhere near the word, because he knows that your little boy is going to lead many many people to Christ."

I have no idea if we are having a little boy or a little girl. We have one name picked out that was going to be for either gender. But in the past few weeks, the Lord has continually knocked on my heart with a different name, and I've been ignoring him to hold on to our original name. When this man said what he said, the name made so much sense in my heart. And now I know, if it is a boy, what his name will be.

If this little baby pops out a boy, I am going to be so surprised. (I really feel like we are having a little girl...) I will give him the name that the Lord verified today and will hold tight to this promise of prophecy that this man spoke over him.

I'm excited to see in a few weeks (1o!!) if we are having a boy or not. If it is a little Mister, wow...I'll be waiting with baited breath for the next twenty years to watch this promise unfold in our little baby's life.

One thing I know for sure though, is even if my Sunday sickness is spiritual warfare, I have to beat it somehow. If I can't listen to the sermon on Sundays, I'll listen from my computer at home later in the day. I'm not going to give up going and trying. This little baby needs to be exposed to the word, in the womb now..because that is where his/hers spiritual life and calling begins.

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