
Friday, November 18, 2011

My deceptive tale

I’m being punished. For being deceptive.

Here is my woeful tale…

A few weeks ago I started begging Jeff to let me start Christmas Decorating. But being the big buzz kill he is, he insisted that I wait until after Thanksgiving, because “no one decorates before Thanksgiving.” I begged and begged and begged. Nagged and nagged and nagged. Whined and whined and whined. All to no avail.

Finally, I resorted to deceptiveness. I asked my dad to take a picture of a Christmas tree on google or something and text it to us, with some excited text talking about getting their tree set up.

So, the other night, I got a text from my dad. It was a picture of a lovely Christmas tree and it read: “We got our tree up!!!!!” So of course, that coupled with all my begging and whining, Jeff finally got the tree down from the rafters in the garage.

That night (the tree was still in the box) Jeff looked at my text and said, “How do we know this is the real deal? He could have just taken a picture to make us jealous. It is an up close picture.” I made something up, started sweating a bit and changed the subject. I figured I’d put the tree up myself the next morning. (I didn’t want to call any more attention than needed to the tree subject!)

There is a whole bunch more to that story ^^ but I’m too ashamed to admit the whole tale of my sneakiness.

The next morning I got up, excited to start decorating. And then the punishments slowly started. For starters, our tree stand broke on me. I spent one whole day just putting the stupid thing together and trying to get it to stand up straight. Finally I got it, but decided to decorate it later.

So, last night. Jeff shows up to my parents house. And lo and behold...there is no Christmas tree in the corner. He realized that we had pulled a fast one on him, but hey, what ever it takes right? My tree is up.

(Oh, and then, Mr Funny guy, aka my dad, thought it’d be funny to talk all night long about how “Nobody decorates before Thanksgiving.” Hahahahaha. Thanks Daddy.) ;-)

I finally started the decorating process last night. But guess what? My punishment has continued even further. My lights have a short in them. :-/ I decided to go through the dead strand today to fix it. Welllll, today I spent over an hour trying to fix it before I finally just gave up.

Now, I am waiting to go to Walmart to just buy a new strand. *sigh* I should have just been honest and waited til after darn Thanksgiving to decorate.

Someday this tree will get decorated. And by golly! It WILL be before Thanksgiving!!!! ;-)

Note to self: next year, don’t be sneaky. Just get the tree out and set up yourself. …It can be a surprise! Yeaaaah. A “surprised.” :-D

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