
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bodey Update

Here’s my promised Bodey update:

Age: 6 1/2 months

Hobbies: Rolling over. Rolling off stuff. Drooling. Chewing on things.

Favorite foods: Boob juice

Favorite hang out place: on his mama

Favorite things: music. fish tanks. anything that fits in his mouth.


I can’t believe he’s already almost 7 months old! Where did the time go? I wish I could say, “I wish he was tiny again,” but I can honestly say I don’t. I do not miss those weeks of colic!!! But, I can say, “I wish we could freeze time right now.”

Bodey is at such a fun age. His little personality is starting to slowly show.

He’s generally a very serious baby; He studies his surroundings, soaks everything in and watches quietly.

Its crazy how, while they are from the same family and almost the same age, Bodey and Shiro are so different.

Shiro is a little giggle bucket. You can look at that boy wrong and he will belly laugh. But to get Bodey to even smile you have to practically do a song and a dance…and even then, you’re lucky to get a small grin.

Lately though he’s loosened up a bit. When him and I are at home during the days he gets pretty silly. His new thing is randomly throughout the day he will throw his head back and laugh. It is such a riot. Oh, and he loves getting kissed. He finds kisses to be so funny.

Bodey spends 70% of his day on my back. I always tell my mom that the best gift I got at the baby shower was my ergo baby carrier that my parents got us. It is by far the most used item we received! Wearing Bodey allows me to do my chores and get my stuff done, but keeps Mr B happy by keeping him on his mama’s back.

(Side story: a few weeks ago I had him on my back and I was doing my hair in the bathroom mirror. He was getting bored and fussy, so I turned sideways so I could see him in the bathroom mirror. He got all giggly and smiley, I realized that he didn’t know he was on my back since he couldn’t see me (and I wasn’t talking, so he didn’t hear my voice), once he realized it, he was happy and content again.)

The boy is very smart. His absolute favorite thing in the world is to have me wear him. But I don’t like putting him on until I am dressed for the day. So every morning, Bodey is content to hang out in his bouncy or saucer until he sees me start to get dressed. Once I’m dressed and heading to the bathroom to put my face on, he immediately starts fussing. When I come in the room with a baby carrier, he stops and gets all excited, knowing that soon he’ll be in his happy spot on my back.

Bodey rolls over “fluently.” And he also rolls off of things fluently, but that’s a whole different blog post. He’s not sitting up yet, but that’s probably because he doesn’t have time to practice sitting up, since he’s always strapped to me. ;-)

He taught himself a new trick last week though, he now does push ups on his tippie toes. And he looks so pleased with himself when he does it. I was impressed today—and slightly saddened—when I laid him down for some floor time with his Uncle Shiro and the little booger pushed himself up on his hands and knees. My mom is betting he’ll be crawling within a month. Yeah right…I guess we’re gonna have to bump his upsie time on his mama to 80 or 90% of his day to keep him from learning anything new. ;-)

He absolutely lovesss his fish tank. He could sit and stare at it for hours. He follows the fish back and forth…back and forth…back and forth. He also loves books. We started him a book collection and every day I read him a little book. He studies the pages intently. And as long as he has a toy in his hands, he doesn’t try to eat the book. Woot Woot!

He’s working on a tooth right now, he’s been working on it for several months though, so who knows how much longer til it shows itself. Which means, he’s constantly drooling and always chewing on everrrryyything.

TV’s, computer screens and ipods captivate him. I try not to let him watch any movies or anything moving on a screen, but I will admit, there have been a few times where he’s woken up at 2-3 in the morning and won’t go back to sleep, so I have propped the ipod up once or twice and let him drift back to sleep by being mesmerized by the prettiness on the screen. <---Bad mom award there.

The boy has music deep in his soul. He loves music. Any type. If I start beating a rhythm out on the desk, he will stop what he’s doing, turn to the source of the sound and start rocking back and forth. Sometimes if he’s having a rough time falling asleep, I will play something soothing on the piano, and we’re guaranteed he will quiet down and usually drift off to sleep. And he also sings, yep…he sings. I think he’s going to be a worship leader or something because he really likes the sound of his voice. And with all the time he’s spent exercising those vocal chords by screaming, he’d better be a darn good one. We gotta get the little guy some maracas or something.

Oh! And his latest trick, which he learned to do today? He now smacks his lips. Loudly. He thinks he’s just the c0olest thing on earth.

Lets see, what else…? I asked Jeff what I should say about him, and he wants me to make sure I comment on how cute he is.

So I will: Bodey is super cute. I’m not just biased. He really is cute.

I sat him down and attempted to get some good pictures of him. But he was too interested in chewing on his Sophie Giraffe to pay attention to me. This is how our photo shoot went:


(Don’t ask about the socks…he is his mothers child!!)



1 comment:

  1. Looks like your writers block has been broken. You just needed some good inspiration!! :o)
