
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy 7 months Bodey!

Today is Bodey’s 7 month birthday!!!! Wow where did the time go!?

His latest milestones are:

1. He’s *almost* sitting up on his own now. (As you scroll through the millions of pictures I posted, you’ll see him get top heavy and start tipping!)

2. His first tooth popped through (kind of…the corner of it did) today! And it was a pretty easy teething experience. Notice those two totally adorable necklaces he’s sporting? ...Yes my son is wearing a necklace and thank-goooodness for them! (They are baltic amber necklaces, they help with teething pains, swelling, moodiness and a whole bunch of other things that adults can benefit from as well such as headaches, migraines, carpel tunnel and arthritis, plus more.)

3. He is getting better at getting on his hands and knees. Today he managed to crawl sideways (it was super strange to watch) about a foot.

His favorite things are:

1. books…still

2. music…still

3. his fish tank…still

4. baby carriers…stilllllll (better yet, being worn in a baby carrier)

and 5. he was recently introduced to my gift card collection. He loves gift cards. Smile

Forgive me for posting my entire camera’s worth of photos. But I couldn’t pick my favorites. :-D


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