
Monday, August 6, 2012


I haven't updated in days. My appoologies. I've been busy. Tired. and hot. My game room (computer room) has NO source of cool air. So its misery in here. And my phone has been weird lately and won't let me post from my phone. :-/

Anyways, here are a TON of picts from the past week. I'll caption each one. :)

Feeding time at the zoo.
These boys are so cute.
They like to feed eachother,
then finger sweep the food item out of that boy's mouth to eat it themself.

Baby kisses!
Bodey now puckers and says, "mmmmmwa!"
(Kissing sound!)

Lots of baths took place this week.
Mainly due to poop...puke...and pee.
It's been a nasty week at the Bauman house.

Morning walks in new baby carriers!

The countdown til Shelbie comes home...
we're on 8 days!!!

We took some family pictures last week!
They turned out so cute.
Bodey was being a booger though and wouldn't smile.

yes. We played a lot of ball this week.
Its Bodey's new favorite game to play.

Squishy shoes!
Bodey found them the other day and kept trying to put them on himself.
Finally he brought them to me, feeling very frustrated.
He thumped around in them for hours.
He loves them :)

He's been a nut this week!!!
Don'tcha love the drool?!

Delicious salads.

Its been sooo hot.
Its been a "eat icecream straight from the carton" type of week.

Baby feet ♥

Some stray cat keeps coming in our yard.
A real sweet kitty.
Bodey loves it.

Did you know they still make these?!
So yummy.

We went to the park on Friday.
Jeff had more fun than Bodey did.
Clearly. ;-)

Coolest daddy carrier ever!

"Hey mom! I'm sitting on a basketball thats kicking me!!!"

Tiny toes ♥♥♥


Have you ever seen a cuter sleeper?!

On Saturday we had CRAZY weird weather.
It was SO beautiful.
It rained and was cool!
I loved it.

More sleepyness ♥

And more snoozing...

I promise he doesn't just sleep all day...

39 weeks pregnant!

C'mon baby! Come play!

Spicy food, trying to induce labor.
Didn't work.

And that's about it. We are all hot. Ready to meet this new baby. Eager for Shelbie to come home!

 Busy. Busy. Busy!

1 comment:

  1. JEFF.....................JEFF..........................JEFF!
