
Monday, May 16, 2011

Life with a newborn

I can't believe Bodey will be 4weeks old on Friday. Oh my goodness! Time has flown by sooo quickly. :'-)

He's already changed so much, it's bittersweet. Last night he smiled at me for the 1st time! (Not the 1st time he's smiled, but the 1st time he was looking at me and smiled intentionally!) I was excited beyond excited, but thought maybe it was a fluke...until this morning. :) He smiled at me twice today! Each time he did, he let out a little squeal and wiggled with joy as his face broke into a grin. It was adorable. Of course though I had to ruin it, by letting out a squeal myself and scaring the poor little lad. :-( Next time he smiles at me, I won't be so joyous. lol.

It's crazy how busy I've been. This is my schedule so far:

6am...wake up and feed Bodey
7am...he's back asleep, time to catch some more zzzz's before he wakes again.
9am...wake up and feed Bodey
10am...he's finally back asleep...and unfortunately, so am I.
12pm...wake up and feed Bodey
1pm...he's finally asleep. I NEED A SHOWER!!!!!
3pm...Bodey is awake and ready to eat....speaking of eating...have I eaten yet today???
4pm...Bodey is back asleep, I'm starving and scrounging around my kitchen for food.
5pm...rushing like a madman to get some housework done before Bodey wakes up again
6pm...Bodey is awake and ready to eat
7pm-11pm...walking with Bodey (he's colicy :'-()
3am...wake up and feed Bodey
4am...he's back asleep, my turn!
6am...start it all over again

Basically Bodey's little life consists of eating, sleeping and pooping. Which means my life consists of nursing him, burping him, changing him and rocking him. :-) I've been told that at about 3months everything will "click" with us and our schedule and I'll be back to keeping house, taking showers and getting a normal nights sleep. I look forward to that, but for now, I'm enjoying these first few weeks. These newborn days. They're passing by so quickly, I don't want to miss anything. I do miss my showers and eating, lol, but I know this newborn stage is a short season in life, and once its gone, its gone. So I'm savoring it now and trying to enjoy every moment. (Minus the colicky nights!!!)

These past few days have been SOO much fun though, because he's starting to be awake more during the day. Right after he nurses, he's awake for about an hour. During this hour he's very content and exploring his surroundings and getting to know faces. It's so much fun, because he now studies my face and listens to my voice. Like he's drinking everything in. He's learning me.

By the way....he is now 8lbs something ounces!!! Can you believe it?! He's gained 2+ pounds in 3 weeks! Whoa! I must have some crazy fat building milk! haha. Or I guess he just knew that he needed to catch up to his Uncle Shiro, so that Shiro can't beat him up. ;-)

On a random side note:

A friend texted me the other day. She said: "I can see it now....Shiro to Bodey: you need to obey me! I'm your Uncle!!!" Bodey to Shiro: "You need to obey me! I'm your elder!!"

hehehe! These next many years are going to be so fun.

Well that's all for now! I'm off to cuddle with the Little Mister. He's sleeping and making adorable little chattering noises. He's pulling my heart strings, I need to go be near him. Hopefully I can post again soon.

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