
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Time for a real blog post

I've had major writers block recently, and its really ticking me off. I hate writers block. It makes me cranky.

But today, I'm in the mood to rant a bit. So here I go...

The next time I hear some dumb person tell me that they "could never have a home birth because their contractions were so strong and labor hurt so bad and blah...blah...blah...blah" I'm going to scream! I have heard this stupid line more times than I can even begin to count.

I'd like to clear something up: Just because I had a home birth does not mean that my contractions tickled or pushing a baby out was like pooping glitter. Ok? Home birth...hospital birth...on the freeway in a car birth = same pain. Doesn't matter where it happens, it hurts just the same. The only difference is with a home birth pain meds were not an option for me!!

I'm getting so tired of how many comments women make along the lines of, "Oh it just hurt so bad, I had to get pain medication." Yea, well guess what? If I had had a hospital birth and had the option of pain meds, I'd probably have asked for them! Why?? because it stinkin' hurt!!! And, furthermore, if these people who had hospital births have had a home birth (where pain meds aren't an option) they wouldn't have had any...and guess what? They would have survived.

Grrr. Geez people. Not to toot my horn or anything, but its not like labor is a piece of cherry pie.
And I'm getting pretty tired of people just assuming it was all easy peasy and then dramatizing their labor stories and "oh poor me, blah blah blah."

So, next time someone finds out I had a home birth, if they aren't on board with my crunchy ways, I am a-o-kay with that. But instead of being all dramatic and crying about how awful their labor was, I sure hope for their sakes they instead just admit they aren't all granola like me.

(Post script on that subject: I personally don't care where you have your babies...or whether you have pain meds or not. I just don't like hearing people be all dramatic about their labor stories and act like their labor hurt worse or something, because lol, in a weird way it makes me feel like people think of me as less of a woman. And it makes me mad, because I feel all "Grrr" to have done it med-free and on my own turf. I am a woman, hear me roar.)

While I'm on a roll here, my next source of venting is on the subject of cloth diapers.

I think I will scream next time I hear someone say, "Oh, I could never do cloth diapers!! My baby's poop is so gross! I could never do it!" They look at me like I'm insane for using cloth and then shudder (as they run to the bathroom to wash up) after they hug me goodbye.

*Sigh* Where do I even start with my complaining on this subject?

Well, for starters...Just because I use cloth diapers doesn't mean Bodey is pooping out rainbows and jelly beans. Nooooo, Bodey poops just like every other baby. And yes, his poop does stink and yes it is gross.

But its not like I'm rolling around in his dirty diapers or anything. Geez people, I don't go around kissing his dirty dipes or sniffing them. Honestly!!!! What kind of weirdo do you think I am?!

Let me attempt to put a new vision of cloth diapers in your mind, and hopefully replace whatever wacko thoughts you have already planted up in there...

Here is our cloth diapering routine:

1. Bodey poops in his diaper.
2. Mama (me) using a cloth wipe, wipes him up...
3. leaves the wipe in the diaper...
4. rolls it up just like a sposie'
5. and puts the dirty rolled up diaper in his diaper pail or my wet bag.

(And no, the pail/wet bag doesn't stink.)

Now, on laundry day... (only one or two extra loads a week--VERY small loads)

1. Fill washing machine with cold water and no soap.
2. dump diaper pail contents in the washer...no need to touch anything
3. wash in cold water and no soap.
4. after cold wash w/no soap, run HOT water and add soap.
5. dry and then fold.

Easier and faster than all the time you spend making excuses for why you can't use cloth diapers. ;-)

There. I think I'm done. I blew off my steam and once again the sun is shining in my little world.

Hopefully soon I will be able to sit down and blog again. I'm feeling rather contentious lately, so I'm sure I'll be back with a controversial blog topic.

Oh, yes, you know you can't wait...

(I think I'm cured of my writers block!)

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