
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Skyping skyping skyping and tutus

Bodey spent his afternoon wearing a Tutu. His uncles and daddy called him a Fairy all afternoon. His mama needs a little girl to dress up...

We skyped with Shelbie today. She is doing a little bit better but is still very homesick. She is packing her bags tonight as she's leaving early tomorrow morning (4am California time) to head to Zambia. Please continue praying for her.

Bodey and I slept in til 9 today. What a good boy! We went to story time (we drove today!) then went back to his Mimi's house so that the house could be quiet for Jeff to catch up on some sleep. We spent the afternoon skyping off and on with Shelbie. And moping about when we weren't.

I had all these awesome plans to come home this evening and clean like a madman. But alas, its 90o in my house. Way way waaay to hot to work. So instead I took a cold bath and am now getting ready for an early bed.

Hopefully an early bedtime helps me wake up before Mr Busy tomorrow, when the house is still cool and I can work like crazy!