
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cleaning cleaning cleaning

So. Incredibly. Tired.

I spent the day cleaning like a madwoman. Yet, depressingly enough you can't really tell. :-/ Guess it always gets worse before it gets better... I wonder if I'm nesting? Nah, its probably too early for that.

Anyhoo. I scrubbed my bathroom down like crazy. Did you know I have a white bathroom sink?? I didn't know this! I cleaned the toilet (YUCK) and scrubbed the bathtub down with an old toothbrush. Tomorrow I will finish up by organizing and mopping.

The living room also got mopped. As well as the kitchen...which already needs it again. :-/

I got out all my newborn stuff (Diapers, blankets, ect) and set it aside. I need to get that all washed up soon and packed into a clean box so its ready when the baby is born.

I spent what felt like forever stuffing all of Bodey's diapers and thinking, "I have way too many diapers..." all while I sat on the computer...buying more diapers. *Palm smacking head*

Tonight I drug my sore body over to my parent's house. Bodey swam with his best buddy (which eventually turned into Bodey pulling his hair, shoving him aside and other mean things) and ate a lemon. Yes, he ate the lemon wedge. Crazy kid.

He crashed hard tonight, which is good. Maybe that means he'll sleep through the night??? I am off to scout for some food and then go to bed.

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