
Monday, April 4, 2011

What a day!!!!!

Guess what?!?! Jeff started a daytime shift at work today!!!! We are once again back to being a normal married couple!! ***

This has been such an exciting and fabulous day for me! ***

I got up at 7:00 and saw Jeff off to work. (Btw, he looked very handsome in his new work get-up). Since we went to bed last night at 11:00 (very early for us!!) I was actually fully rested and wide awake!! ***

I went to work immediately, as I had a lot I wanted to get accomplished today. ***

Jeff finished primering our bedroom yesterday, so I decided to surprise him and paint a few of the walls for him. I started on the big wall...and I ended with the big wall. Painting is exhausting!! Not to mention, I wasn't enjoying the paint fumes. :-/ After the wall was finished, I took a break and ate breakfast. Yes, that's right..."breakfast." Not "breakfast" at noon...but "breakfast" as in the 8:00am type breakfast. What a weird experience for me! ***

After breakfast I decided to go outside and fulfill my crazy nesting desire by mowing the front lawn. That was equally as tiring as painting the room! But it felt fabulous to be outside in the warm sunshine. Plus, the lawn looks pretty good now. :) ***

After mowing the lawn, I decided to be domestic and do something housewifey-ish and girly. I started by doing my dishes. Next thing I knew, I was scrubbing down all the cupboards and rearranging counters. My kitchen is spic-n-span now! ***

Then, I worked on laundry. I folded and put away 3 loads. I can't believe I'm actually caught up on laundry!!!! That's a never in the Bauman house! ***

And then...get this...I sat down and ate lunch. Wow!! It was only noon and I had already eaten TWO meals!!!! (This whole day job thing is gonna be a bummer...I'm going to blow up like a balloon!!!!) It was kind of nice though. I'm not used to eating breakfast and lunch in the same day!! ***

After lunch I decided to wash up all my pocket diapers. They look cute all hung up in my laundry room. :) ***

Then I cleaned off my kitchen table and decorated it with some flowers. ***

And now...its 5:30. Jeff is on his way home (first going to run by the grocery store and pick up some lettuce for me.) My house is soooo clean. Dinner is done. And there is nothing left for me to do!!! Whoa! This whole getting up early thing is pretty awesome. What a productive day! ***

Hopefully Jeffy gets home soon. We're excited to eat our first home cooked dinner together (on a week night) in over a year. It'll be kind of weird for us. We aren't gonna know what to talk about! (lol kidding!)***

After dinner we have plans for Jeff to slap some paint up on the rest of our bedroom walls, while I do some quilting. Then we want to go for a nice little walk, and then finish the evening off by watching "Tangled." ***

How exciting!! Planning the evening during a week day with Jeff!!!! We feel so blessed that his hours have changed. With a baby coming soon, this has been our biggest prayer. And God answered it in the nick of time. We are so thankful and excited to once again be a normal married couple...and soon a normal little family. :) ***

(*please ignore all the "*" I've been having problems with my blogger code lately, as blogger has been enjoying clumping all my paragraphs into one giant one. So to make blogging easier (until I figure out how to fix the code) I'm going to be marking the end of paragraphs with little stars.)

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