
Monday, April 11, 2011

CC Turlock Baby Shower

Yesterday CC Turlock threw me a baby shower. It was a lot of fun--and such a sweet blessing for Jeff and I. We were showered with so many wonderful and thoughtful gifts. Many of the gifts were homemade things that will be cherished forever by us and Baby B!

It was so wonderful to see who all showed up to show Jeff and I their love, support and joy as we enter this new season of life. We're so blessed to be a part of the Calvary Chapel Turlock fellowship.

Here are some pictures of the adorable things we were given:

Isn't this lamb blanket and pillow set adorable?! And its crazy soft!!!

Shelbie made this adorable flannel blanket:

This is a fleecy rag tie quilt...I love these!! They are so soft and so cute!! It came with two matching tiny little cuddly blankets.

This is a nursing cover. It's really pretty and not see-through :)

This thing is AWESOME! You know how you throw a blanket over the baby's car seat to keep out the sun or to keep people from messing with a sleeping baby? But the blanket always falls off or gets pulled off? Well this is made for a baby car seat! It velcros around the handle and won't fall off :-D

And this, is a super cute rag quilt. I've never seen one before, but the gal who gave to me told me to wash it up and the edges will fray. It was so cool to see the before and after. It's adorable...I want to make one of these!

(And I know this is totally not related to baby gifts...but these cupcakes that they served were FANTASTIC!!!! I think I ate like 8 of them!)
*BTW...Idk why this paragraph is blue and underlined!)

I had a lot of fun today washing all these sweet things up and putting them away where they belong. :) Now we just need a baby to try them all out on!!! C'mon baby Bauman! Hurry up!!

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