
Monday, November 19, 2012

Christmas card photo shoot


I can’t believe its already time for Christmas cards!!!! Every year Jeff asks sweetly for me to get them out right after Thanksgiving, and of course, I never do!!!!  ;-) This year, I decided I WOULD .

Yesterday sweet Amanda took our pictures for us. We got a lot of cute ones…which I can’t share with anyone yet! (Not til I get my Christmas cards out anyways!!)

But here’s a peek at the day…


Which bow…which bow?!?


Our lovely photographer!!!!


It had rained all morning, so the ground was wet and everything was clean and gorgeous!


And flooded…


We got crazy brave and let Bodey hold Blessing. He LOVED it. She hated it.


Tiny Toms…have you ever seen anything cuter?!


We took our pictures at the College nearby. It had a lot of beautiful scenery to use and a ton of ponds. And where ponds are…there are ducks nearby! We could not get Bodey to stare at the camera at all! Grrr! He just wanted to look at the ducks. So we had to get tricksy. Amanda would get us positioned, Jeff and I would smile and then Amanda would yell “DUCK” and point behind her. He didn’t smile in any of the pictures, but at least he was looking. ;-)

This evening, I spent a few hours editing pictures and getting the card together! I got them sent in to Costco and they’ll be ready to pick up in a few days! :-D


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