
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Surprise parties, pink blankets & clean floors

Today we had cousin Gary's surprise birthday party. It was fun, there was a lot of food and 2 pinatas--what could be better?

After the party Jeff took me to run errands. We went to Babies R Us, where I finally broke down and bought 2 packs of girly receiving blankets. I'll be saving the reciepts though so I can return them if my "mama's instinct feeling" is wrong and I get another boy. ;-) I bought Bodey some cute socks that look like shoes (the closest thing he's ever gonna get to wearing socks! haha!) And some cute binkies. Which of course, he refuses to take.

Tonight we came home and vacuumed our house again and then rolled around on the floor with Bodey. B and I took a bubble bath together and then he went down to bed. Now Jeff is reading a book, I'm searching for food and then we're going to bed also.

Church tomorrow...hmm, I wonder if I'll get to sit through a whole service this week??

Friday, March 30, 2012

Too much partying with the big dogs

I am one tired girl. My crazy sisters kept me up way too late last night. Bodey was awake til past midnight, he refused to go to sleep. And i'm paying for it tonight. He's a grouch! Tomorrow I want to go to Babies R Us and buy something for the new baby. Maybe some gender neutral receiving blankets? Or I could be wild and crazy and buy pink ones! That way, if its a girl, we'll have them already. If its a boy...eh, pack them away. Eventually we'll have a girl, right?? I'm also gonna vacuum my house again tomorrow. (Loving my new vacuum!!)*Sigh* SO. so. sooo. sleepy. I'm too old to stay up as late as I did last night. I'm getting ready for bed and heading off to beddy-boo-bye-bye land.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Girls night

Parents are out of town for their 21st anniversary. The boys are having a sleepover with uncle Micah. Us girls are having girls night!! Cake pops, pizza and Disney movies!! Fun stuff. Now time to catch some zzzzzzz's....
Happy 21st anniversary daddy & mama! Thanks for being such a great marriage role model for us kids!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stuffed bell peppers, vacuum cleaners & 1st birthday cakes

I made stuffed bell peppers for lunch today. They had corn and rice in them, they were yummy but both Jeff and I decided it was too much bell pepper. We decided next time I need to turn it into a casserole with the bell peppers simply chopped up inside the meat/rice/corn mix. This afternoon I went to Costco and bought a vaccuume cleaner. I can't figure out how to put it together, so I'm going to bed feeling very irritated that I didn't get to try it out. I found Bodey's 1st birthday cake on pinterest today. Its an all fruit cake--round slice of watermellon with some cantelope and kiwi fruit decorating it. I'm excited, because now he can have a birthday cake to smash up, blow out a candle (well, more like his daddy can blow it out...) but its still safe for him to munch on afterwards. The big people can eat real cake. But I'll kill the 1st person who tries giving him a taste of frosting. I stayed up way too late tonight, I am sure I will regret this tomorrow morning :( I'm off to bed to snuggle with Bodey.


Hi everyone…remember me?? I know its been a while. I’m a little embarrassed to even crawl my ashamed face back over to my poor neglected little blog. Please forgive me?

I have an exciting post in store for you though :-)

Several months ago my mom sent me a link to a website called 280Daily. Basically it’s an online diary, with only enough space for 280 characters. Short, sweeet, to the point. Just enough space to messily jot down (think texting lingo…) what my day held.

I am proud to say, that since before October, I have faithfully 280’d every single day. (okay, that might be bluffin…I’ve missed *maybe* 2 or 3 days since then?) But still! That’s a pretty good track record, considering all my broken promises to my poor blog to “I promise I will blog daily,” blah blah blah.

So I’ve been thinking, why is it I can 280 every day but I can’t keep a promise to my poor blog for anything? And then I realized the whole 280 character concept was so easy and unintimidating compared to coming up with a fun, lengthy and interesting read.

With that being said, here is my new, revised and very easily keptable (yes, I know that isn’t a word) promise:

I hereby promise, that from now on, I will do my best to every night when I do my 280daily, to also hop over here and write a little somethin-somethin for my blog readers as well. (Do I even have blog readers anymore…?) Sometime I might simply copy and paste, other times I might write something and finally, there might be days where I only post a picture.

Small print: My posts will not be long. They might not be complete sentences. And they might be incredibly boring. No complaining, be grateful that I’m even blogging.

Okay!! That’s my exciting post. So…til tonight…ttfn Smile